#acl PaulHowarth:read,write,admin,revert,delete All:read === Tuesday 14th February 2012 === ==== Fedora Project ==== * Updated `perl-Class-Load` to 0.17 and `perl-Class-Load-XS` to 0.04 in F-16: * Fix some bugs with our use of `Try::Tiny`, which could cause warnings on some systems where `Class::Load::XS` wasn't installed ([[CPAN:72345|CPAN RT#72345]]) * Use `Module::Implementation` to handle loading the `XS` or `PP` versions of the code; using this module fixes a few bugs * Under `taint` mode, setting an implementation in the `CLASS_LOAD_IMPLEMENTATION` environment variable caused a taint error * An invalid value in the `CLASS_LOAD_IMPLEMENTATION` environment variable is now detected and reported immediately; no attempt is made to load an invalid implementation * Require `Module::Runtime` 0.012, which has a number of useful bug fixes * Updated `perl-Module-Implementation` to 0.06 in F-16 and EPEL-6: * Require `Module::Runtime` 0.012, which has a number of useful bug fixes ==== New Packages ==== * New package `perl-XML-Rules` (1.10) * Updated `dovecot` (2.0) to 2.0.18: * `DIGEST-MD5` authentication supports authorization id now * Added `instance_name` setting, which is used to prefix `dovecot` processes in `ps` output * LDA/LMTP: sending a large mail via `submission_host` or via LMTP proxy may have caused a hang * Fixed `dbox`+`mail_attachment_dir`+`zlib` problems * `login` processes weren't logging all intended messages with `auth_verbose=yes` * IMAP: `THREAD REFS` sometimes returned invalid `(0)` nodes * IMAP: `CONTEXT` search return option wasn't handled at all * `dbox`: various error handling fixes * `snarf` plugin: Keep the mailbox locked during snarfing to avoid duplicates * Updated `dovecot` to 2.1.rc6, and `pigeonhole` to current snapshot: * Added automatic mountpoint tracking and `doveadm mount` commands to manage the list; if a mountpoint is unmounted, error handling is done by assuming that the files are only temporarily lost, which is especially helpful if `dbox alt` storage becomes unmounted * `expire` plugin: only go through users listed by `userdb` iteration; delete `dict` rows for nonexistent users, unless `expire_keep_nonexistent_users=yes` * LDA's out-of-quota and Sieve's reject mails now include DSN report instead of MDN report * LDAP: allow building `passdb`/`userdb` extra fields from multiple LDAP attributes by using `%{ldap:attributeName}` variables in the template * `doveadm log errors` shows the last 1000 warnings and errors since `dovecot` was started * Improved multi-instance support: track automatically which instances are started up and manage the list with `doveadm instance` commands; all `dovecot` commands now support `-i ` parameter to select the instance (instead of having to use `-c `) * `doveadm mailbox delete`: added `-r` parameter to delete recursively * `doveadm acl`: added "`add`" and "`remove`" commands * Updated to Unicode v6.1 * `mdbox`: when saving to `alt storage`, `dovecot` didn't append as much data to `m.*` files as it could have * `dbox`: fixed error handling when saving failed or was aborted * IMAP: using `COMPRESS` extension may have caused assert-crashes * IMAP: `THREAD REFS` sometimes returned invalid `(0)` nodes * `dsync`: fixed handling non-ASCII characters in mailbox names ----