#acl PaulHowarth:read,write,admin,revert,delete All:read === Friday 2nd March 2012 === ==== Local Repository ==== I am no longer going to support distributions prior to Fedora Core 3 in my repository. This means that I have end-of-lifed my Red Hat Linux 9, Fedora Core 1, Fedora Core 2 and Red Hat Enterprise Linux 3 repositories and will be doing no further builds for them. Of course these distributions were end-of-lifed a long time ago upstream so this should come as no surprise. As Red Hat Enterprise Linux 4 has also reached end of life upstream, I will be end-of-lifing my support for distributions prior to Fedora Core 6 (i.e. Fedora Core 3, 4 and 5, plus Red Hat Enterprise Linux 4) later this year. Not sure how much later that will be - anybody still using my repositories for those distributions please contact me and we can discuss it. ==== Local Packages ==== * Updated `cdrtools` to 3.01 alpha release 7 * Updated `dovecot` to enable the `fts_lucene` plugin for F-16 onwards ([[RedHatBugzilla:798661|Bug #798661]]) * Got rid of the `libspf2` version 1.0.4 package and added `devel` etc. subpackages to the `compat-libspf2` package instead * Updated `perl-CPAN-Meta` to 2.120620: * `CPAN::Meta::Requirements::add_string_requirements` now allows building a requirements specification piecemeal * `Version` range handling fixed ([[CPAN:75424|CPAN RT#75424]]) * `CPAN::Meta::Converter` handles bad version strings more gracefully, truncating alphanumerics and otherwise falling back to "`0`"; this is likely to be better than dropping a prerequisite or dying ([[CPAN:75427|CPAN RT#75427]]) . I dropped the hacks in this package that were needed to support any distribution prior to FC-3, which I'll be doing in the next updates of all of my packages * Updated `perl-DateTime-TimeZone` to 1.44: * This release is based on version 2012b of the Olson database * Contemporary changes for Cuba * Updated `perl-File-Find-Rule-Perl` to drop the workaround for old `Params::Util` versions and BR: `perl(Params::Util)` ≥ 0.38 instead * Updated `perl-Perl-MinimumVersion` to downgrade its `List::Util` version requirement to 1.14 to support building on Fedora Core 3; with `Perl::Critic` now being available there, I now have the latest upstream `Perl::MinimumVersion` on all of my supported distributions * Updated `perl-Pod-Simple` to 3.20: * Removed use of '`done_testing`' in `t/xhtml15.t`, which was added in v3.19 * Fixed quoting of links in a regular expression `Pod::Simple::Text` * Fix test failure on case-insensitive, non-case-preserving file systems (VMS I'm looking at ''you'') * `Pod::Simple::HTML` no longer emits "`href='#___top'`" if a TOC (index) is not output * Fixed links in the TOC of XHTML output to use IDs derived from encoded text, rather than raw Pod, so that it will link to the ID actually generated for the section ([[CPAN:72544|CPAN RT#72544]]) * `PullParser` now throws an exception on an attempt to set a source more than once, which is necessary because data from the previous source will be cached, so the new source would be ignored anyway; create a new `PullParser` instead (CPAN RT#74265) * Cleaned up and rebuilt `perl-PPI`, bumping the `Params::Util` version requirement to 1.00 as per upstream * Updated `perl-Test-ClassAPI` to drop the workaround for old `Params::Util` versions and BR: `perl(Params::Util)` ≥ 1.00 instead * Updated `spfmilter` to build against `compat-libspf2` rather than `libspf2` ----