#acl PaulHowarth:read,write,admin,revert,delete All:read === Tuesday 24th April 2012 === ==== Fedora Project ==== * Updated `perl-Test-Version` in F-17 and Rawhide to not build-require `perl(Test::Kwalitee)` or `perl(Pod::Wordlist::hanekomu)` when building for RHEL ≥ 7 as those packages (only needed for release tests) will be in EPEL rather than RHEL ([[RedHatBugzilla:815759|Bug #815759]]) ==== Local Packages ==== * Updated `dovecot` to 2.1.5: * IMAP: when neither the session nor the mailbox has `modseq` tracking enabled, return the mailbox as having `NOMODSEQ` in `SELECT`/`EXAMINE` reply (old versions in this situation always simply returned `HIGHESTMODSEQ` as 1, which could have broken some clients) * `dict` file: added optional `fcntl`/`flock` locking (default is `dotlock`) * `fts-solr`: `doveadm fts rescan` now resets indexes, which allows reindexing mails (this isn't a full rescan implementation like `fts-lucene` has) * `doveadm expunge`: added `-d` parameter to delete mailbox if it's empty after expunging * IMAP: several fixes related to mailbox listing in some configs * `director`: a lot of fixes and performance improvements * v2.1.4 didn't work without a mail home directory set * `mbox`: deleting a mailbox didn't delete its index files * `pop3c`: `TOP` command was sent incorrectly * `trash` plugin didn't work properly * LMTP: don't add a duplicate `Return-Path:` header when proxying * `listescape`: don't unescape namespace prefixes . I also included a patch from Fedora to close `systemd` extra sockets that are not configured * Updated `perl-DBI` to 1.619: * Fixed the `connected` method to stop showing the password in trace file * Fixed `_install_method` to set `CvFILE` correctly ([[CPAN:76296|CPAN RT#76296]]) * Fixed `SqlEngine` "`list_tables`" ([[CPAN:67223|CPAN RT#67223]], [[CPAN:69260|CPAN RT#69260]]) * Optimized `DBI` method dispatch * Optimized driver access to `DBI` internal state * Optimized driver access to handle data * Optimized `fetchall_arrayref` with hash slice ([[CPAN:76520|CPAN RT#76520]]) * Allow renaming columns in `fetchall_arrayref` hash slices ([[CPAN:76572|CPAN RT#76572]]) * Reserved `snmp_` and `tree_` for `DBD::SNMP` and `DBD::TreeData` ----