#acl PaulHowarth:read,write,admin,revert,delete All:read === Wednesday 25th April 2012 === ==== Fedora Project ==== * Updated `perl-Net-SSLeay` to 1.48 in F-17 and Rawhide: * Removed unneeded `Debian_CPANTS.txt` from `MANIFEST` * Fixed incorrect documentation about the best way to call `CTX_set_options` * Fixed problem that caused `Undefined subroutine utf8::encode` in `t/local/33_x509_create_cert.t` (on `perl` 5.6.2) * In examples and pod documentation, changed `#!/usr/local/bin/perl` to `#!/usr/bin/perl` * `t/local/06_tcpecho.t` now tries a number of ports to bind to until successful * Updated `smbldap-tools` to 0.9.8 in Rawhide: * Introduce `autoconf` (`configure.in`, `Makefile.in` and so on) * `smbldap_tools.pm`: use `Encode` instead of `Unicode::MapUTF8` * `smbldap-populate`, `smbldap_tools.pm`: use `/nonexistent` instead of `/dev/null` for guest's and computer's `homeDirectory` * `smbldap_tools.pm`: add `read_password()` to avoid `stty -echo` hacks * Use `/usr/sbin/nscd -i` instead of `/etc/init.d/nscd` * `smbldap-passwd`: do not use permuted `-s` option for the `smbpasswd`(1) command-line because the plain-old `getopt`(3) does not support it * Add `shadowAccount` parameter in `smbldap.conf` to control whether to treat `shadowAccount` objectclass and attributes or not * Rename `smbldap.conf` parameters: * `hash_encrypt` -> `password_hash` * `crypt_salt_format` -> `password_crypt_salt_format` * LDAPv3 Password Modify (RFC 3062) extended operation support when `password_hash="exop"` in `smbldap.conf` * Use `sambaNextRid` attribute in `sambaDomain` entry for the next RID, same as Samba 3.0+ (only when `sambaAlgorithmicRidBase` attribute does ''not'' exist in `sambaDomain` entry for backward compatibility) * `smbldap-populate`: use `Net::LDAP::Entry` for populating entries * `smbldap-usermod`: new option: `--ou NODE` (move user entry to the specified organizational unit) * Canonicalize user name to treat the `memberUid` as case-sensitive attribute (but the `uid` attribute is case-insensitive) * `smbldap-useradd`: new option: `-p` (allow to set password from `STDIN` without verification, e.g. using a pipe) * `smbldap-useradd`: new option: `--non-unique` (allow the creation of a user account with a duplicate [non-unique] UID) * `smbldap-populate`: create parent entry for `$config{usersdn}` (and others) if it does not exist (e.g. `usersdn="ou=Users,ou=parent,${suffix}"` in `smbldap.conf`) * `smbldap-config`: rename from `configure.pl` * `smbldap-populate`: create parent entry for `$config{sambaUnixIdPooldn}` if it does not exist * Use `Digest::SHA` instead of `Digest::SHA1` if `Perl` version > 5.10.0 * `smbldap-usermod`: `-M`, `-O`, `-T` option: remove associated attribute when the `null` value is specified . '''Note:''' Users that wish to keep using the legacy RID allocation algorithm of `Samba` 2.x, which was the default in previous versions of `smbldap-tools`, should run the `smbldap-upgrade-0.9.6.pl` script after upgrading to this version ==== Local Packages ==== * Bumped and rebuilt `curl` to stay in sync with the Rawhide build * Updated `perl-DBI` to 1.620: * Modified column renaming in `fetchall_arrayref`, added in 1.619, to work on column index numbers, not names (an incompatible change) * Reworked the `fetchall_arrayref` documentation * Hash slices in `fetchall_arrayref` now detect invalid column names * Updated `perl-Net-SSLeay` to 1.48 as per the Fedora version * Updated `perl-Params-Check` to 0.34: * `check()` now works faster * Updated `smbldap-tools` to 0.9.8 as per the Fedora version ----