#acl PaulHowarth:read,write,admin,revert,delete All:read === Saturday 26th May 2012 === ==== Local Packages ==== * Updated `perl-Module-CoreList` to 2.67: * Updated for v5.17.0 * Updated `perl-Net-FTPSSL` to 0.22: * [[CPAN:77072|CPAN RT#77072]] requested to autodetect the need for using the `PRET` command; the docs in the POD now mark the `Pret` option as optional for cases where auto-detect doesn't work * Fixed issue with `ccc` that the server sometimes responds to a successful `NOOP` twice, resulting in command/resonses getting out of sync * Fixed `quot()` bug introduced with `uc()` fix for [[CPAN:74025|CPAN RT#74025]] in 0.21 * Fixed the return code in `restart()` to always be `1` instead of `undef`, since it never fails ----