#acl PaulHowarth:read,write,admin,revert,delete All:read === Monday 28th May 2012 === ==== Fedora Project ==== * Updated `perl-DBM-Deep` to 2.0007 in Rawhide: * Include one-line descriptions of each POD page after the name ([[CPAN:76378|CPAN RT#76378]]) * `t/98_pod.t`: skip tests if `Pod::Simple` 3.21 is installed ([[CPAN:77419|CPAN RT#77419]]) * Updated `perl-Module-CPANTS-Analyse` to 0.86 in Rawhide: * Add several `strict` and `warnings` equivalents and make it easy to add more * Fix when `Moose` is used and `strict` is not used * Add info about `MIN_PERL_VERSION` * Better remedy for `metayml_declares_perl_version` * `metayml_declares_perl_version` moved from `experimental` to `extra` * Some pod improvements * Fix [[CPAN:65903|CPAN RT#65903]] - no more `Test::YAML::Meta::Version` on CPAN * Replace `YAML::Syck` with `YAML::Any` * `no_symlinks` checks only files in `MANIFEST`, use "`maniread`" in `ExtUtils::Manifest` * Add more equivalents for `use_strict` and `use_warnings` tests * Implement `valid_signature` metric . I also switched the build to use the `ExtUtils::MakeMaker` flow as we don't have `Module::Build` ≥ 0.40 in Rawhide yet ==== Local Packages ==== * New package `perl-File-chdir` (0.1006) * New package `perl-Set-Scalar` (1.25) * Updated `curl` to use human-readable error messages provided by NSS ([[https://github.com/bagder/curl/commit/72f4b534|upstream commit 72f4b534]]) * Updated `perl-Archive-Tar` to bump epoch to 1 for EL-5 __only__ to match upstream vendor's package; no other supported release uses an epoch * Updated `perl-DateTime-Format-Strptime` to 1.51: * Packaging cleanup, including listing `Test::More` as a test prereq, not a runtime prereq ([[CPAN:76128|CPAN RT#76128]]) * Updated `perl-DBM-Deep` to 2.0007 as per the Fedora version * Updated `perl-Mail-Sender` to 0.8.21: * Fixed the case in the header names (`Content-type` -> `Content-Type`) * Fixed the encoding of non-ASCII stuff in headers (RFC 2047) * Fixed using the `ctype` even for body with `MailFile` * Updated `perl-Module-CPANTS-Analyse` to 0.86 as per the Fedora version, except there was no need to switch to `ExtUtils::MakeMaker` * Updated `perl-Pod-Simple` to 3.22: * Fix bug where `Pod::Simple` would whine about non-ASCII bytes in code or comments - now only does so for Pod (in the absence of an "`=encoding`" tag) * Updated `perl-PPIx-Regexp` to 0.027: * Eliminate unescaped literal "`{`" characters in regexps in `PPIx::Regexp::Token::Backreference` and `PPIx::Regexp::Token::CharClass::Simple`; these are deprecated in 5.17.0 * Updated `unrar` to 4.20 beta 3 ----