#acl PaulHowarth:read,write,admin,revert,delete All:read === Wednesday 20th June 2012 === ==== Local Packages ==== * New package `perl-XML-SAX-Expat` (0.40) * Updated `perl-Clone` to drop the redundant build requirement `perl(ExtUtils::ParseXS)`, breaking a build dependency loop * Updated `perl-CPAN-Meta-YAML` not to run the extra (`xt`) tests (and not require their dependencies) when bootstrapping so as to avoid build dependency loops * Updated `perl-IO-Socket-IP` to 0.15: * (Hopefully) improved `->connect` logic for better MSWin32 support * Skip testing `AI_NUMERICSERV` on OSes that don't support it * Updated `perl-MIME-Types` to 1.35: * Added `video/webm` and `audio/webm`, although not (yet) IANA registered * Updated `perl-Perl-Tidy` to 20120619 (see [[http://cpansearch.perl.org/src/SHANCOCK/Perl-Tidy-20120619/CHANGES|CHANGES]] for details) * Updated `perl-XML-LibXML` to 2.0001: * Fix warnings that appear when compiling using the `clang` C compiler by default ([[CPAN:77802|CPAN RT#77802]]) * Fix tests and run-time errors when `Hash::FieldHash` is installed by no longer using `Hash::FieldHash` ([[CPAN:77576|CPAN RT#77576]]) * Remove the leftover `perl-libxml-libxml.h` from the distribution ([[CPAN:77924|CPAN RT#77924]]) * Cleaned up and rebuilt `perl-Data-Section-Simple`, `perl-Devel-Cycle`, `perl-Devel-Symdump`, `perl-Expect`, `perl-IO-Tty` * Updated `perl-XML-Simple` to 2.20: * Use lexical filehandles instead of old-style fileglobs ([[CPAN:77787|CPAN RT#77787]]) * Restrict scope of `:strict` mode to calling package ([[CPAN:41562|CPAN RT#41562]]) * Reinstate `XML::SAX::Expat` dependency * Change minimum `Perl` requirement to 5.008 * Fix POD typo ([[CPAN:45414|CPAN RT#45414]]) * Update POD to reflect best practise regarding `:strict` and `options` * Suppress warning from empty `CDATA` section ([[CPAN:58359|CPAN RT#58359]]) * Switch to using `Dist::Zilla` for release management ----