#acl PaulHowarth:read,write,admin,revert,delete All:read === Tuesday 3rd July 2012 === ==== Fedora Project ==== * Rebuilt `perl-Math-Pari` against `libpari23` in Rawhide to fix broken dependencies (the old version wanted `pari` version 2.3.5, but `pari` has been upgraded in Rawhide to 2.5.1, and my previous `perl-Math-Pari` rebuild for `libpari23` was in the special `f18-perl` tag rather than Rawhide) * Updated `proftpd` in Rawhide to move the `tmpfiles.d` configuration from `/etc` to `/usr/lib` ==== Local Packages ==== * Updated `dovecot`: * `dovecot` updated to 2.1.8: * `pop3c`: added `pop3c_master_user` setting * `imap`: mailbox names were accidentally sent as UTF-8 instead of mUTF-7 in previous v2.1.x releases for `STATUS`, `MYRIGHTS` and `GETQUOTAROOT` commands * `lmtp` proxy: don't timeout connections too early when mail has a lot of `RCPT TO`s * `director`: don't crash if the director is working alone * Shared mailboxes: avoid doing "`@domain`" `userdb` lookups * `doveadm`: fixed crash with proxying some commands * `fts-squat`: fixed handling multiple `SEARCH` parameters * `imapc`: fixed a crash when message had more than 8 keywords * `imapc`: don't crash on `APPEND`/`COPY` if server doesn't support `UIDPLUS` * `pigeonhole` updated to 0.3.1: * Added support for retrieving `Sieve` scripts from `dict` lookup * Incorporated the `sieve_duplicate` plugin into main Pigeonhole tree as a normal extension (`vnd.dovecot.duplicate`) * Added support for specifying multiple `sieve_before` and `sieve_after` paths * Added a "`session ID`" string for `managesieve` connections, available in `%{session}` variable (analogous to `Dovecot` change) * Fixed several small issues, including a few potential segfault bugs, based on static source code analysis * `ManageSieve`: changed use of `EPROTO` error to `EIO` in `ManageSieve` string stream implementation because it is apparently not known in BSD * Gave `stamp.h.in` (needed for autotools) some content to prevent it from disappearing in patch files * Fixed bug that caused a !SunStudio CC compile failure * Cleaned up and rebuilt `perl-Archive-Tar`, `perl-Data-OptList`, `perl-File-Find-Rule-Perl`, `perl-File-Which`, `perl-HTTP-SimpleLinkChecker`, `perl-IPC-Cmd`, `perl-Mail-Mbox-MessageParser`, `perl-Mail-SPF-Query`, `perl-Mail-SPF-Test` and `perl-Module-Extract-VERSION` * Updated `proftpd` as per the Fedora version * Updated `smf-sav` to wait for `network.target` when starting up with `systemd`, and to move the `tmpfiles.d` configuration from `/etc` to `/usr/lib` * Updated `smf-spf` to wait for `network.target` when starting up with `systemd`, and to move the `tmpfiles.d` configuration from `/etc` to `/usr/lib` ----