#acl PaulHowarth:read,write,admin,revert,delete All:read === Saturday 28th July 2012 === ==== Local Packages ==== * Updated `curl` to 7.27.0: * `nss`: use human-readable error messages provided by NSS * Added `--metalink` for metalink download support * `pop3`: added support for SASL plain text authentication * `pop3`: added support for SASL login authentication * `pop3`: added support for SASL ntlm authentication * `pop3`: added support for SASL cram-md5 authentication * `pop3`: added support for SASL digest-md5 authentication * `pop3`: added support for APOP authentication * Added support for `Schannel` (Native Windows) SSL/TLS encryption * Added support for Darwin SSL (Native Mac OS X and iOS) * `http`: print reason phrase from HTTP status line on error * `pop3`: fixed the issue of having to supply the user name for all requests * `configure`: fix LDAPS disabling related misplaced closing parenthesis * command line: made `-D` option work with `-O` and `-J` * `configure`: fix `libcurl.pc` and `curl-config` generation for static `MingW*` cross builds * `ssl`: fix duplicated SSL handshake with `multi` interface and proxy * winbuild: fix `Makefile.vc` ignoring `USE_IPV6` and `USE_IDN` flags * OpenSSL: support longer certificate subject names * `openldap`: OOM fixes * `log2changes.pl`: fix the `Version` output * `lib554.c`: use `curl_formadd()` properly * `urldata.h`: fix cyassl build clash with `wincrypt.h` * cookies: changed the URL in the cookiejar headers * `http-proxy`: keep `CONNECT` connections alive (for NTLM) * NTLM SSPI: fixed to work with unicode user names and passwords * OOM fix in the `curl` tool when cloning cmdline options * Fixed some examples to use `curl_global_init()` properly * command line: stricter numerical option parser * `HTTP HEAD`: don't force-close after response-headers * `test231`: fix wrong `-C` use * docs: switch to proper UTF-8 for text file encoding * keepalive: !DragonFly uses milliseconds * HTTP Digest: client's "`qop`" value should not be quoted * `make distclean` works again * Updated `nmap` in Rawhide to add `nc` wrapper with `socat` as a fallback for unix sockets ----