#acl PaulHowarth:read,write,admin,revert,delete All:read === Wednesday 26th September 2012 === ==== Local Packages ==== * Updated `perl-DateTime` to 0.77: * POD changes that should make the documentation look better, especially on the web * Updated `php-Smarty` to 3.1.12: * Bugfix: the default plugin handler created incorrect compiled code for static class methods from external script files (Issue 108) * Bugfix: array access of config variables did not work (Forum Topic 22527) * Bugfix: `{assign}` in a `nocache` section should not overwrite existing variable values during compilation (Issue 109) * Bugfix: avoid PHP error on `$smarty->configLoad(...)` with invalid section specification (Forum Topic 22608) * Bugfix PHP5.2 compatibility compromised by `SplFileInfo::getBasename()` (Issue 110) * Bugfix: template inheritance produced incorrect code if subtemplates with `{block}` were included several times (from smarty-developers forum) * Bugfix: compiled code of `nocache` sections could contain incorrect escaping (Forum Topic 22810) * Bugfix: `$auto_literal = false` did not work with `{block}` tags in child templates (Forum Topic 20581) * Bugfix: test `MBString` availability through `mb_split`, as it could've been compiled without regex support (`--enable-mbregex`); either we get `MBstring`'s full package, or we pretend it's not there at all * Bugfix: resolving relative paths broke in some circumstances (Issue 114) * Bugfix: tag option flags and shorttag attributes did not work when `rdel` started with '`=`' (Forum Topic 22979) * Bugfix: escape Smarty exception messages to avoid possible script execution ([[CVE:2012-4437|CVE-2012-4437]]) * Bugfix: template inheritance failed to compile with delimiters `{/` and `/}` (Forum Topic 23008) ----