#acl PaulHowarth:read,write,admin,revert,delete All:read === Wednesday 5th December 2012 === ==== Fedora Project ==== * Updated `perl-B-Hooks-EndOfScope` to 0.12 in Rawhide: * Complete pure-perl implementation in addition to the one based on `Variable::Magic`; you can specify the implementation explicitly by `use`-ing `B::Hooks::EndOfScope::PP` or `B::Hooks::EndOfScope::XS`, or by setting `$ENV{B_HOOKS_ENDOFSCOPE_IMPLEMENTATION}` to either '`XS`' or '`PP`' * Switch from using `Sub::Exporter` to the more conservative `Sub::Exporter::Progressive` * Updated `perl-MRO-Compat` to 0.12 in Rawhide: * Bump `Class::C3` dependency on 5.8, which in turn will automatically install `Class::C3::XS` if possible * Fix non-functional `SYNOPSIS` ([[CPAN:78325|CPAN RT#78325]]) * Updated `perl-namespace-clean` to 0.24 in Rawhide: * Properly skip debugger test when optional deps not available * Make sure pure-perl tests pass correctly on space-containing paths ([[CPAN:77528|CPAN RT#77528]]) * Remove all the pure-perl fallback code and depend on PP-capable `B::Hooks::EndOfScope` 0.12 ==== Local Packages ==== * Updated `perl-B-Hooks-EndOfScope` to 0.12 as per the Fedora version * Updated `perl-Locale-Maketext-Lexicon` to 0.92: * Fixed test for Perl 5.17.6+ * Updated `perl-MRO-Compat` to 0.12 as per the Fedora version * Updated `perl-namespace-clean` to 0.24 as per the Fedora version * Updated `perl-Perl-MinimumVersion` to 1.31: * `sort $subref` requires `perl` 5.6 * Updated `perl-XML-LibXML` to 2.0014: * Fix a memory error (double-`free`) in `XML::LibXML::Reader` if we reached `EOF` and then called `destroy` (see `t/40reader_mem_error.t`) * Got `40reader_mem_error.t` to not fetch the external DTDs ([[CPAN:81703|CPAN RT#81703]]) * Updated `perl-YAML-Syck` to 1.22: * Fix error message typo: `s/existant/existent/g` * Fix for non-printable character detection * Quote if non-printable characters are present * Change `LoadBlessed=0` to not `bless` under ''any'' circumstances ----