#acl PaulHowarth:read,write,admin,revert,delete All:read === Wednesday 16th January 2013 === ==== Fedora Project ==== * Updated `proftpd` in F-16, F-17, F-18 and Rawhide to improve the fix for [[CVE:2012-6095|CVE-2012-6095]] to handle configurations with `mod_vroot` (enabled by default in Fedora) ==== Local Packages ==== * Updated `php-Smarty` to 3.1.13: * Bugfix: `muteExcpetedErrors()` would screw up for non-readable paths (Issue #118) * Added attribute "`strict`" to `html_options`, `html_checkboxes`, `html_radios` to only print disabled/readonly attributes if their values are `true` or "`disabled`"/"`readonly`" (Issue #120) * Bugfix: `assignGlobal()` called from plug-ins did not work (Forum Topic 23771) * Made SmartyBC loadable via composer (Issue #124) * Bugfix: global variable assigned within template function is not seen after template function exit (Forum Topic 23800) * Bugfix: wrong variable usage in `smarty_internal_utility.php` (Issue #125) * Allow '`://`' URL syntax in template names of stream resources (Issue #129) * Added abstract method declaration `doCompile()` in `Smarty_Internal_TemplateCompilerBase` (Forum Topic 23969) * Bugfix: compilation failed when a pre-filter modified an `{extends}` tag (Forum Topic 23966) * Bugfix: template inheritance could fail if nested `{block}` tags in children contained `{$smarty.block.child}` (Issue #127) * Bugfix: template inheritance could fail if `{block}` tags in children had similar name to used plugins (Issue #128) * Enhancement: allow to disable exception message escaping by `SmartyException::$escape = false;` (Issue #130) * Updated `proftpd` as per the Fedora version ----