#acl PaulHowarth:read,write,admin,revert,delete All:read === Monday 1st April 2013 === ==== Fedora Project ==== * Updated `perl-Test-Kwalitee` to 1.02 in F-19 and Rawhide: * No operational changes - re-releasing under new management via github and `Dist::Zilla` ==== Local Packages ==== * New package `perl-ExtUtils-BuildRC` (0.003) * New package `perl-ExtUtils-Config` (0.007) * New package `perl-ExtUtils-Helpers` (0.014) * New package `perl-ExtUtils-InstallPaths` (0.009) * New package `perl-File-pushd` (1.005) * New package `perl-Module-Build-Tiny` (0.013) * New package `perl-TAP-Harness` (3.26), a subset of the `Test-Harness` distribution for distributions with `perl` 5.8 that don't have `TAP::Harness` * Updated `perl-Data-Section-Simple` to 0.04: * Do not throw exceptions when there's no template (https://github.com/miyagawa/Data-Section-Simple/pull/2) . Upstream switched to a `Module::Build::Tiny` flow, hence the need for all those new packages (`Module::Build::Tiny` and its dependencies) * Updated `perl-DateTime` to 1.00: * Bumped the version to 1.00, mostly because my prior use of both X.YY and X.YYYY versions causes trouble for some packaging systems (plus after 10 years it's probably ready to be called 1.00) ([[CPAN:82800|CPAN RT#82800]]) * The `%j` specifier for `strftime` was not zero-padding 1 and 2 digit numbers ([[CPAN:84310|CPAN RT#84310]]) * The `truncate` method was sloppy about validating its "`to`" parameter, so you could pass things like "`years`" or "`month whatever anything goes`"; the method would accept the parameter but then not actually truncate the object ([[CPAN:84229|CPAN RT#84229]]) * Previously, if a call to `$dt->set_time_zone()` failed it would still change the time zone of the object, leaving it in a broken state ([[CPAN:83940|CPAN RT#83940]]) * `DateTime::Infinite` objects should no longer `die` when methods that require a locale are called; instead, these methods return `undef` for names and `Inf`/`-Inf` for numbers, which affects methods such as `day_name()` as well as CLDR and `strftime` formats; when a locale-specific format is used (like the "`full`" datetime format) it uses the `en_US` format ([[CPAN:67550|CPAN RT#67550]]) . A new test added for [[CPAN:83940|CPAN RT#83940]] failed for me with `perl` < 5.14: . {{{ t/30future-tz.t .................. ok t/31formatter.t .................. ok t/32leap-second2.t ............... ok t/33seconds-offset.t ............. ok false exception caught by Test::Fatal::exception at /usr/share/perl5/vendor_perl/Test/Fatal.pm line 29 Test::Fatal::__ANON__('') called at /usr/share/perl5/vendor_perl/Try/Tiny.pm line 100 Try::Tiny::try('CODE(0x18811c8)', 'Try::Tiny::Catch=REF(0x1730bc0)') called at /usr/share/perl5/vendor_perl/Test/Fatal.pm line 30 Test::Fatal::exception('CODE(0x1881168)') called at t/34set-tz.t line 53 # Tests were run but no plan was declared and done_testing() was not seen. t/34set-tz.t ..................... Dubious, test returned 255 (wstat 65280, 0xff00) All 8 subtests passed t/35rd-values.t .................. ok t/36invalid-local.t .............. ok t/37local-add.t .................. ok t/38local-subtract.t ............. ok t/39no-so.t ...................... ok }}} . I updated the [[CPAN:83940|CPAN RT#83940]] ticket accordingly * Updated `perl-Filter` to 1.47: * Fix test failures with non-English locale ([[CPAN:41285|CPAN RT#41285]]) * Updated `perl-Test-Base` to fix the dependency filter, which was filtering ''all'' dependencies on older distributions with `rpm` < 4.9 * Updated `perl-Test-Kwalitee` to 1.02 as per the Fedora version ----