#acl PaulHowarth:read,write,admin,revert,delete All:read === Sunday 28th April 2013 === ==== Local Packages ==== * New package `perl-CPAN-Meta-Check` (0.005) * New package `perl-Test-CheckDeps` (0.002) * Updated `perl-autodie` to 2.17: * Spelling fixes thanks to dsteinbrunner! ([[CPAN:84897|CPAN RT#84897]]) * Fixed github links to point to 'pjf' rather than 'pfenwick' ([[https://github.com/pjf/autodie/pull/18|GH #18]]) * Silence warnings about experimental smart-match on 5.17.11+ * Generate `.travis.yml` files for CI testing via dzil * Updated `perl-Test-Kwalitee` to 1.04: * Fixed documentation to refer to the proper names of Kwalitee tests ([[CPAN:24506|CPAN RT#24506]]) * Cleaned up partially-botched distribution metadata and `README` * Re-release with bumped developer prereqs to depend on a higher version of `Test::More` for `t/00-compile.t` and `t/00-check-deps.t` ([[CPAN:84900|CPAN RT#84900]]) . A Fedora update of this package will have to wait until I can get `perl-CPAN-Meta-Check` and `perl-Test-CheckDeps` packages through the review process ----