#acl PaulHowarth:read,write,admin,revert,delete All:read === Wednesday 1st May 2013 === ==== Fedora Project ==== * Submitted review requests for [[RedHatBugzilla:958413|perl-CPAN-Meta-Check]] and [[RedHatBugzilla:958414|perl-Test-CheckDeps]] ==== Local Packages ==== * Updated `perl-Pod-Coverage` to 0.23: * Distinguish 'package didn't compile' from 'package has no symbols' * Updated `perl-TAP-Harness` to 3.27: * Dramatically reduce memory usage ([[CPAN:84939|CPAN RT#84939]]) * Store `test_num` (in `Grammar.pm`) as a number instead of a string, which reduces memory usage ([[CPAN:|CPAN RT#84939]]) * `PERL5LIB` is always propagated to a test's `@INC`, even with taint mode ([[CPAN:84377|CPAN RT#84377]]) * Updated `unrar` to 5.00 beta 2 ----