#acl PaulHowarth:read,write,admin,revert,delete All:read === Thursday 23rd May 2013 === ==== Local Packages ==== * Updated `perl-JSON` to 2.58: * Support `PUREPERL_ONLY` install option ([[CPAN:84876|CPAN RT#84876]]) (`PERL_ONLY` and `NO_XS` are not yet removed) * Stop installing `JSON::XS` automatically on Perl 5.18 * Updated `perl-SQL-Statement` to 1.404: * Fix documentation ([[CPAN:84889|CPAN RT#84889]], [[CPAN:85257|CPAN RT#85257]]) * Re-enable clean-up of `test_output*` after test done * Recommend `Text::Soundex` and do `soundex-test` only when we have it, because it's going to be removed from core for Perl 5.19 * Updated `perl-XML-SAX-Expat` to 0.50: * Fixed broken link to SAX2 specification in POD * Added repository information to `Makefile.PL` * Added `README` file to satisfy packaging guidelines ----