
Wednesday 29th May 2013

Fedora Project

  • Updated perl-IO-Socket-SSL to 1.90 in Rawhide:

    • Support more digests, especially SHA-2 (CPAN RT#85290)

    • Added support for easy SSL interception (man in the middle) based on ideas found in mojo-mitm proxy

    • Make 1.46 the minimal required version for Net::SSLeay, because it introduced lots of useful functions

Local Packages

  • Updated perl-CPAN-Meta to 2.131490:

    • Downconversion of custom resources was not dropping the leading "x_"; now, "x_MailingList" will downconvert correctly to "MailingList"

    • Per the Lancaster Consensus, the 'file' subkey of a package listed in 'provides' must refer to an actual file in the distribution, either the .pm file that provides the package or another file (*.PL) that generates it

  • Updated perl-IO-Socket-SSL to 1.90 as per the Fedora version, except for F-3 and RHEL-4, as the updated version now requires openssl ≥ 0.9.7e for the P_ASN1_TIME_get_isotime and P_ASN1_TIME_set_isotime functions in Net::SSLeay

  • Updated ppp to make the radius plugin config parser less strict (Bug #906913)
