#acl PaulHowarth:read,write,admin,revert,delete All:read === Wednesday 26th June 2013 === ==== Local Packages ==== * New package `libmetalink` (0.1.2) * Updated `perl-BSD-Resource` to 1.2905: * Typo fixes ([[CPAN:86334|CPAN RT#86334]]) * Disable user/system timing tests if workload accumulates too little time ([[CPAN:62504|CPAN RT#62504]]) * Try harder to burn enough user and system time in `getrusage.t`, and re-factor the "burn some cpu" utility into `t/burn.pl` so that it can be used in `t/times.t` as well * Fix test mis-numbering in NetBSD for `t/setrlimit.t` * Silence compilation warnings coming from Perl 5.18.0 * Clarify the license to be Artistic 2.0 or LGPL 2.0 * Regenerate `ppport.h` with Perl 5.18.0 * Updated `perl-Digest-SHA` to 5.85: * Workaround for repeated calls to `shaclose` ([[CPAN:86295|CPAN RT#86295]]) * Corrected typos in `shasum` script ([[CPAN:85430|CPAN RT#85430]]) ----