#acl PaulHowarth:read,write,admin,revert,delete All:read === Sunday 4th August 2013 === ==== Fedora Project ==== * Updated `gnome-libs` in Rawhide to avoid the need for `automake14` and build with `-fno-strict-aliasing` * Updated `perl-Data-Alias` to 1.17 in Rawhide: * Bugfix: correct the `dtrace`-related macro squashing for Perls prior to 5.13.8, where the macros had the wrong number of parameters and prevented compilation * Bugfix: use core's `PL_no_localize_ref` string constant as data string rather than format string * Update to handle the new `padrange` op type in Perl 5.17.6 * Update to handle the new op allocation mechanism in Perl 5.17.2 * Clarify and expand documentation around list-like assignments * Clarify documentation of `deref()` regarding lvalueness * Remove the bulk of the documentation from the `README` file * Updated `perl-MIME-Types` to 2.01 in Rawhide: * Add dummy `::Types::create_type_index()` because `Catalyst-Plugin-Static-Simple` calls it :( * Rebuilt `perl-Convert-PEM` in Rawhide for the [[FedoraProject:Fedora_20_Mass_Rebuild]] * Updated `perl-XML-SAX-Base` in Rawhide to handle the unversioned doc-dirs in Fedora 20 onwards ==== RPM Fusion Project ==== * Updated `perl-Crypt-IDEA` to 1.10 in Rawhide: * Made `SvUPGRADE` a statement * Corrected `VERSION` statement * Fixed `_idea.c` for Strawberry ==== Local Packages ==== * Big update of `GeoIP` to merge functionality from `geoip-geolite`: * Properly provide all of the !GeoLite databases and their IPv6 equivalents, as per the `geoip-geolite` package that we're obsoleting/providing * Provide compatibility symlinks for database files that historically had different names in `GeoIP` and `geoip-geolite` * Don't distribute unbundled `LICENSE` files, as per packaging guidelines * Update license tag to reflect distribution of CC-BY-SA database content * No longer try to update the databases in `%post` * Maintain timestamps where possible * Set up `GeoIP.dat` symlink in package and don't touch it again * Add `update6` package to update the IPv6 databases; have to use `wget` for this rather than `geoipupdate` as the databases are still in beta * Updated `perl-Data-Alias` to 1.17 as per the Fedora version * Updated `perl-Data-Visitor` to reinstate unconditional use of `Data::Alias` now that it's available for Perl 5.18 * Updated `gnome-libs` as per the Fedora version * Updated `perl-MIME-Types` to 2.01 as per the Fedora version * Rebuilt `c-ares`, `check`, `libglade`, `libidn`, `libnet`, `libxslt`, `pptp`, `spamass-milter` and `tidy` for the [[FedoraProject:Fedora_20_Mass_Rebuild]] ----