#acl PaulHowarth:read,write,admin,revert,delete All:read === Wednesday 11th September 2013 === ==== Fedora Project ==== * Updated `perl-Module-Metadata` to 1.000017 and then 1.000018 in F-20 and Rawhide: * De-taint version, if needed ([[CPAN:88576|CPAN RT#88576]]) * Updated `perl-Perl-OSType` to 1.005 in F-20 and Rawhide: * Ensured no non-core test dependencies * Various non-functional changes to files and metadata included with the distribution * Updated `perl-Test-Warnings` to 0.009 in F-20 and Rawhide: * Fixed error in synopsis (we do not export anything by default) * A caveat added to the documentation regarding embedding warning checks inside another sub * '`:no_end_test`' now also covers side effects of `done_testing`, as well as `END` blocks, making it possible to use the warning(s) subs without having an end warning test while using `done_testing` (necessary when combining with the '`if`' pragma) * `END` tests will not be added by a subsequent use of `Test::Warnings` if a previous one passed '`:no_end_test`' ==== Local Packages ==== * Updated `java-1.7.0-oracle` to (see OracleJava7OnFedora) * Updated `perl-IO-Socket-IP` to 0.23: * Check that kernel actually supports `SO_REUSEPORT` before unit-testing it ([[CPAN:86177|CPAN RT#86177]]) * Updated `perl-Module-Metadata` to 1.000018 as per the Fedora version * Updated `perl-Perl-OSType` to 1.005 as per the Fedora version * Updated `perl-Spellunker` to 0.3.1: * Fix overly-recursive regex * Updated `perl-Test-Warnings` to 0.009 as per the Fedora version ----