#acl PaulHowarth:read,write,admin,revert,delete All:read === Sunday 15th September 2013 === ==== Fedora Project ==== * Updated `perl-Config-Tiny` to 2.19 in F-20 and Rawhide: * Remove obsolete and wrong version number from `Makefile.PL` ([[CPAN:88658|CPAN RT#88658]]) * Test if `read()` will return `undef`; if so, set an error message and (still) return `undef` * Change `VERSION => $VERSION` in `Makefile.PL` to `VERSION_FROM => 'lib/Config/Tiny.pm'` ([[CPAN:88670|CPAN RT#88670]]) * Updated `perl-IO-Socket-SSL` to 1.954 in F-20 and Rawhide: * Accept older versions of `ExtUtils::MakeMaker` and add meta information like ''link to repository'' only for newer versions ==== Local Packages ==== * New package `perl-Class-Tiny` (0.008) * New package `perl-File-ShareDir-Install` (0.05) * New package `perl-File-ShareDir-ProjectDistDir` (0.4.4) * Updated `perl-Config-Tiny` to 2.19 as per the Fedora version * Updated `perl-IO-Socket-SSL` to 1.954 as per the Fedora version * Updated `perl-Pod-Spell` to 1.07: * Add many words * `Pod::Wordlist` is an Object * `Lingua::EN::Inflect` is used to reduce requiring plurals in the list * The `wordlist` is now a `sharedir` file * Accessing `%Pod::Wordlist::Wordlist` directly is now deprecated Due to some compatibility issues with old Perl versions in [[https://github.com/dagolden/Class-Tiny/issues/8|Class-Tiny]] and [[https://github.com/kentfredric/File-ShareDir-ProjectDistDir/issues/8|File-ShareDir-ProjectDistDir]], I've only built the new `perl-File-ShareDir-ProjectDistDir` and `perl-Pod-Spell` versions for F-19, F-20 and Rawhide for now ----