#acl PaulHowarth:read,write,admin,revert,delete All:read === Friday 27th September 2013 === ==== Fedora Project ==== * Updated `perl-Env-Sanctify` to 1.10 in F-20 and Rawhide: * Release new dist with fixed compile test ==== Local Packages ==== * Updated `perl-Env-Sanctify` to 1.10 as per the Fedora version * Updated `perl-Mail-IMAPClient` to 3.34: * Make `Makefile.PL` use non-interactive and document `test.txt` usage * New attribute: `Socketargs => [ (IO::Socket::.. args) ]` * Clean up `connect()` to be more flexible with `IO::Socket::*` args * Untagged server data during send literal may cause client to hang * `_send_line()` needs '`+`' only to know it is OK to send `LITERAL` data * Created `_response_code_sub()` to simplify `_get_response()` * Remove internal "Folders" cache * Allow for RFC 6154 "IMAP LIST Extension for Special-Use Mailboxes" * New method: `folders_hash()` * Deprecate: `xlist_folders()`, `xlist()` * Updated `perl-Pod-Spell` to 1.09, with a number of fixes from upstream to address punctuation-stripping and encoding issues ([[https://github.com/xenoterracide/Pod-Spell/issues/9|GH #9]] and [[https://github.com/xenoterracide/Pod-Spell/issues/11|GH #11]]): * Stopwords with `'s` are learned without `'s` to match how they are checked * Leading and trailing punctuation is entirely stripped since the spell checker won't care anyway; trailing periods are ''not'' stripped as they might be abbreviations ("Ph.D."), but such words are checked against the stoplist both with and without trailing periods to account for abbreviations and words at the end of a sentence ----