#acl PaulHowarth:read,write,admin,revert,delete All:read === Saturday 5th October 2013 === ==== Local Packages ==== * Updated `perl-Path-IsDev` to 0.5.0: * Internals now re-written slightly to pass around a result object that communicates state * Everywhere `$path` was previously used, `$result_object->path` is now used instead * `$result_object->path` guaranteed to exist and be a `ref` of some kind * `$result_object->path` automatically upgraded to `Path::Tiny` if provided as a string * `->matches()` and `->excludes()` can now record results of heuristics by invoking `$result_object->add_reason()` * `Path::IsDev::Object->_matches($path)` now exists and returns a result object for `$path` * Dumping result object will give you as much info as turning debugging on would * Updated `perl-Path-IsDev` again to 0.6.0: * All internals that could be rewritten to invoke roles instead of inheritance, have been done so * Base classes for existing things still exist, and should still work; however, they're on borrowed time ----