#acl PaulHowarth:read,write,admin,revert,delete All:read === Wednesday 9th October 2013 === ==== Fedora Project ==== * Updated `perl-CPAN-Changes` to 0.25 in F-20 and Rawhide: * Fix `Dist::Zilla` date parsing: now puts timezone data in `note` section ([[https://github.com/bricas/cpan-changes/issues/17|Github #17]]) * Move `Text::Wrap` usage to proper module * Typo fix * Updated `perl-IPC-System-Simple` to 1.23 in F-20 and Rawhide: * Silence "Statement unlikely to be reached" warning * Repository information fix, and typo fixes * Converted to using `dzil` * Updated `perl-Path-Tiny` to 0.040 in F-20 and Rawhide: * The '`filehandle`' method now offers an option to return locked handles based on the file mode * The '`filehandle`' method now respects default encoding set by the caller's `open` pragma * Updated `perl-Test-CheckDeps` to 0.010 in F-20 and Rawhide: * Added `Synopsis` * `$Test::Builder::Level` increased, so failing tests appear to come from the `.t` file rather than `Test/CheckDeps.pm` * Also test '`develop`' prereqs when `AUTHOR_TESTING` ==== Local Packages ==== * Rebuilt `perl-BerkeleyDB` for `libdb` 5.3.28 in F-20 and Rawhide * Updated `perl-CPAN-Changes` to 0.25 as per the Fedora version * Updated `perl-IPC-System-Simple` to 1.23 as per the Fedora version * Updated `perl-namespace-autoclean` to 0.14: * Bump dependency on `B::Hooks::EndOfScope`, to get the separation of pure-`perl` and `XS` components ([[CPAN:89245|CPAN RT#89245]]) * Repository migrated to the github moose organization * Switch to `Module::Build::Tiny` flow * Updated `perl-Path-Tiny` to 0.040 as per the Fedora version * Updated `perl-Test-CheckDeps` to 0.010 as per the Fedora version ----