#acl PaulHowarth:read,write,admin,revert,delete All:read === Friday 24th January 2014 === ==== Fedora Project ==== * Branched and built `perl-Devel-LexAlias` (0.05) for EPEL-7 * Branched and built `perl-Digest-BubbleBabble` (0.02) for EPEL-7 * Branched and built `perl-Digest-MD2` (2.03) for EPEL-7 * Branched and built `perl-Digest-MD5-File` (0.08) for EPEL-7 * Branched and built `perl-Exception-Base` (0.2500) for EPEL-7 * Branched and built `perl-Spiffy` (0.31) for EPEL-7 * Branched and built `perl-Symbol-Util` (0.0203) for EPEL-7 * Branched and built `perl-Test-Base` (0.60) for EPEL-7 * Branched and built `perl-Test-CheckChanges` (0.14) for EPEL-7 * Branched and built `perl-Test-CPAN-Meta-JSON` (0.15) for EPEL-7 * Branched and built `perl-Test-CPAN-Meta-YAML` (0.22) for EPEL-7 * Branched and built `perl-Test-Distribution` (2.00) for EPEL-7 * Branched and built `perl-Test-Unit-Lite` (0.12) for EPEL-7 * Branched and built `perl-Test-Warnings` (0.010) for EPEL-7 * Branched and built `perl-Test-YAML-Valid` (0.04) for EPEL-7 * Branched and built `perl-YAML-LibYAML` (0.41) for EPEL-7 ==== Local Packages ==== * Updated `perl-Module-Load-Conditional` to 0.62: * Added `autoload` option to `can_load()` * Updated `perl-Text-CSV_XS` to 1.03: * Implement RFC7111 ----