#acl PaulHowarth:read,write,admin,revert,delete All:read === Friday 14th February 2014 === ==== Fedora Project ==== * Updated `perl-IO-All` to 0.57 in Rawhide and EPEL-7: * Make `''` not become `/` when using `io->dir('')` * Add a fix for `io->file("foobar")->assert` * Make `io->file('')` not break on Windows systems * Fix dangling file handles in tests * Make `mkdir` die if it fails ([[CPAN:61697|CPAN RT#61697]]) * Fix possible path test issues, especially in Win32 * Fix `->binary` under `-utf8` import mode ([[CPAN:81224|CPAN RT#81224]]) * Validate UTF-8 in `->utf8` ([[CPAN:|CPAN RT#74642]]) * Consistently use `:encoding($encoding)` ([[CPAN:68512|CPAN RT#68512]]) * Pass perms to `mkpath` in `assert_dirpath` ([[CPAN:53687|CPAN RT#53687]]) * Fix minor POD niggle ([[CPAN:83798|CPAN RT#83798]]) * Remove broken test for `->mimetype` ([[CPAN:91743|CPAN RT#91743]]) * Skip `t/encoding.t` for perls built without `PerlIO::encoding` ([[CPAN:26230|CPAN RT#26230]]) * Abandon RT in favour of !GitHub Issues * Remove mentions of unimplemented `strict` ([[https://github.com/ingydotnet/io-all-pm/pull/15|GH#15]]) * Allow testing on non-SDBM DBM's * Change minimum `perl` version to 5.8.1, and thus remove dep for `IO::String` * Return `realpath` for `canonpath` when possible ([[https://github.com/ingydotnet/io-all-pm/issues/34|GH#34]]) * Correctly check exists for `::File`, `::Dir`, and `::Link` * Fix test failures on MacOS ([[CPAN:61627|CPAN RT#61627]]/[[https://github.com/ingydotnet/io-all-pm/issues/29|GH#29]], [[CPAN:82633|CPAN RT#82633]]/[[https://github.com/ingydotnet/io-all-pm/issues/32|GH#32]]) * Some documentation clean-up around the `SYNOPSIS` * Fix printing to a `tie`'d object ([[https://github.com/ingydotnet/io-all-pm/issues/26|GH#26]]) * Fix tests if `$^X` `ne` '`perl`' ([[https://github.com/ingydotnet/io-all-pm/issues/35|GH#35]]) * Updated `perl-CPAN-Meta-YAML` to 0.011 in Rawhide: * Generated from `ETHER/YAML-Tiny-1.60.tar.gz` * Updated `perl-YAML-Tiny` to 1.60 in Rawhide: * Numeric values are now quoted whenever they've been used as a string, which fixes inconsistent behaviour seen with numeric values, due to differences between the XS and pure-perl variants of `Data::Dumper` ([[https://github.com/Perl-Toolchain-Gang/YAML-Tiny/issues/24|GitHub Issue #24]]) * Numeric hash keys are now always quoted ==== Local Packages ==== * Updated `dovecot` to 2.2.12: * `pop3` server was crashing in v2.2.11 * Updated `perl-CPAN-Meta-YAML` to 0.011 as per the Fedora version * Updated `perl-Pod-Escapes` to 1.06: * `e2charnum()` was using `\d` but should use `[0-9]` ([[CPAN:70246|CPAN RT#70246]]) * Added a bunch of pod-related links to `SEE ALSO` * Updated `perl-YAML-Tiny` to 1.60 as per the Fedora version ----