#acl PaulHowarth:read,write,admin,revert,delete All:read === Thursday 20th March 2014 === ==== Fedora Project ==== * Submitted a [[RedHatBugzilla:1078950|review request for a perl-Test-Modern package]] * Parag AN(पराग) kindly reviewed and approved [[RedHatBugzilla:1077295|my perl-Exporter-Tiny package submission]] * Imported and built `perl-Exporter-Tiny` (0.036) for F-19, F-20, Rawhide, EPEL-5, EPEL-6 and EPEL-7 * Updated `perl-Hash-Util-FieldHash-Compat` to 0.07 in Rawhide and EPEL-7: * Fix misleading 'provides' metadata (added in 0.05) that may confuse some tools * Updated `perl-Import-Into` to 1.002001 in F-19 and F-20: * Allow specifying by caller level, as well as specifying file, line, and version * Fix tests and `Makefile.PL` to support `perl` 5.6 * Updated `perl-Test-Deep` to 0.112 in F-19 and F-20: * When printing diagnostics, differentiate the type of a blessed object from the name of the class itself ([[CPAN:78288|CPAN RT#78288]]) * Typo fixes * Fixes to clarity and accuracy of documentation * Add metadata links to repo and issue tracker * Added `obj_isa` for testing `->isa` without falling back to `ref($x)` * Added the ''experimental'' "`:v1`" export group to skip importing `Isa`, `isa`, and `blessed` ==== Local Packages ==== * Updated `perl-Hash-Util-FieldHash-Compat` to 0.07 as per the Fedora version * Updated `perl-Test-Modern` to incorporate feedback from the package review ([[RedHat#1078950) * BR: `perl` for the build process * BR: `perl(base)` for test suite * BR:/R: `perl(Moose::Util)`, `perl(Mouse::Util)` and `perl(Role::Tiny)` for runtime * `CONTRIBUTING` file is `CC-BY-SA` (https://github.com/tobyink/p5-test-modern/issues/1) * Updated `python-zope-interface` to 4.1.1: * Added support for Python 3.4 ----