#acl PaulHowarth:read,write,admin,revert,delete All:read === Friday 2nd May 2014 === ==== Fedora Project ==== * Updated `perl-Cpanel-JSON-XS` to 3.0104 in F-20 and EPEL-6 as per the Rawhide and EPEL-7 versions, now that `Compress::LFZ` is available there * Updated `perl-Module-Build-Tiny` to 0.036 in Rawhide and EPEL-7: * Add `--jobs` argument to MBT * Add `xs` directory to `include` list * Updated `perl-Perl-Critic` (1.121) in Rawhide to add the upstream fix for `Build.PL` to work with the current toolchain, and reinstate use of "`Build authortest`" * Branched and built `perl-File-DesktopEntry` (0.08) for EPEL-6 * Branched and built `perl-File-MimeInfo` (0.25) for EPEL-6 ==== Local Packages ==== * Updated `perl-Module-Build-Tiny` to 0.036 as per the Fedora version * Updated `perl-Perl-Critic` as per the Fedora version * Updated `perl-Perl-MinimumVersion` to 1.35: * '`state`' requires Perl 5.10.0, even if you don't also see "`use feature 'state'`", because you can also write "`use 5.010`" to enable '`state`' ([[CPAN:67626|CPAN RT#67626]]) * Dropped the rule that said "`use base 'Exporter'`" should make a dependency on Perl 5.008+ ([[CPAN:89173|CPAN RT#89173]]) * Improved the fix for [[CPAN:95023|CPAN RT#95023]] ----