#acl PaulHowarth:read,write,admin,revert,delete All:read === Sunday 4th May 2014 === ==== Fedora Project ==== * Updated `perl-DateTime-Format-Strptime` to 1.55 in Rawhide: * If `diagnostic` is `true` for an object, it will now use `Test::More::diag()` under the test harness rather than printing to `STDOUT` * The `%z` specifier will now parse UTC offsets with a colon like "`+01:00`" ([[CPAN:91458|CPAN RT#91458]]) * Made the regexes to parse day and months abbreviations and names a little more specific; as it stood, they tended to eat up more non-word characters than they should, so a pattern like '`%a%m%d_%Y`' broke on a date like '`Fri0215_2013`' - the day name would be parsed as '`Fri02`' and the month would not be parsed at all ([[CPAN:93863|CPAN RT#93863]], [[CPAN:93865|CPAN RT#93865]]) * Updated `perl-IO-Socket-SSL to 1.983 in Rawhide: * Fix public suffix handling: `ajax.googleapis.com` should be ok even if `googleapis.com` is in public suffix list (e.g. check one level less) ([[CPAN:95317|CPAN RT#95317]]) * `usable_ca.t` - update fingerprints after heartbleed attack * `usable_ca.t` - make sure we have usable CA for tested hosts in CA store ==== Local Packages ==== * Updated `perl-DateTime` to 1.09: * A call to `->truncate( to => 'week' )` could fail but leave the object changed ([[CPAN:93347|CPAN RT#93347]]) * The value of `->jd()` is now calculated based on `->mjd()` instead of the other way around; this reduces floating point errors a bit when calculating MJD, and should have a negligible impact on the accuracy of JD ([[CPAN:93347|CPAN RT#93347]]) * Attempting to construct a `DateTime` object with a year ≥ 5000 and a time zone other than floating or DST now issues a warning; this warning may go away once `DateTime::TimeZone` is made much faster ([[CPAN:|CPAN RT#92655]]) * Updated `perl-IO-Socket-SSL to 1.983 as per the Fedora version * Updated `perl-MetaCPAN-Client` to 1.003000: * Add proper POD fetching from module/file objects * [[https://github.com/CPAN-API/metacpan-client/issues/1|GH #1]]: Switch from `JSON.pm` to `JSON::MaybeXS` * [[https://github.com/CPAN-API/metacpan-client/issues/2|GH #2]]: Remove incorrect and unnecessary check for class names * Provide "`ua`" attribute in the main object to override user agent * Add some use-case examples (`examples` directory) * Add '`releases`' method to `Author` (not official so no docs yet) * [[https://github.com/CPAN-API/metacpan-client/pull/4|GH #4]]: Use example with hyphen * Related to [[https://github.com/CPAN-API/metacpan-client/pull/4|GH #4]], use `Data::Printer` instead of shotened name "`DDP`" * Updated `perl-Params-Validate` to 1.09: * A call to `validate()` where the spec was a reference to a `Readonly` hash would segfault ([[CPAN:80572|CPAN RT#80572]]) * When using the `XS` implementation, attempting to validate parameters with tainted values would cause an "`Insecure dependency in eval_sv() while running with -T switch`" exception from Perl ''if the validation failed''; this is fixed, but only for Perl 5.14+ - older Perls do not include the necessary XS API ([[CPAN:70174|CPAN RT#70174]]) * Fixed some potential segfaults from the XS implementation ([[CPAN:50412|CPAN RT#50412]]); however, the XS code in general is pretty crufty and tends to assume that values which could be `NULL` aren't * Fixed bad example of `state()` in POD ([[CPAN:80250|CPAN RT#80250]]) ----