#acl PaulHowarth:read,write,admin,revert,delete All:read === Tuesday 10th June 2014 === ==== Fedora Project ==== * Updated `perl-IO-AIO` to 4.31 in Rawhide: * Work around more 5.20 bugs * Updated `perl-IO-All` to 0.63 in Rawhide: * Convert release to `Zilla::Dist` * Convert documentation to `Kwim` * Add [[https://coveralls.io/|coveralls badge]] * Updated `perl-IO-Socket-SSL` to 1.992 in Rawhide: * Set `$!` to `undef` before doing IO (`accept`, `read`...); on Windows a connection reset could cause an SSL read error without setting `$!`, so make sure we don't keep the old value and maybe thus run into an endless loop * Updated `perl-Math-Pari` to 2.010808 in Rawhide: * Fixed problems of `parse_of_gp` with the operator `\` and empty lines (test suite updated) * Various build system fixes * Updated `perl-MetaCPAN-Client` to 1.005000 in Rawhide: * Add `Pod` object to allow direct POD fetching * Support single element without wrapping `arrayref` in structures * Updated documents - basic/complex search links and wording * Updated `perl-Module-Metadata` to 1.000024 in Rawhide: * Support installations on older perls with an `ExtUtils::MakeMaker` earlier than 6.63_03 ==== Local Packages ==== * Updated `perl-Coro` to 6.39: * Check that perl slots actually have enough space to hold interpreter variables * Untested port to perl 5.19 (64 bit tmps indices) * `croak` when `cancel` is called without a thread context * Work around more incompatible changes in 5.20 . This is only available for Perl 5.10 onwards as it fails to run on Perl 5.8 * Updated `perl-CPAN-Meta` to 2.141520: * Clarified use of '`file`' for the '`provides`' field in the Spec * Updated `perl-DateTime-TimeZone` to 1.70: * Unset `$ENV{TZ}` in `t/04local.t` test to avoid interference from system ([[CPAN:96083|CPAN RT#96083]]) * This release is based on version 2014d of the IANA database, but there are no data changes from 2014c * Updated `perl-Digest-SHA` to 5.92: * Fixed reserved-word clash when compiling with C++ ([[CPAN:96090|CPAN RT#96090]]) * Use '`classname`' instead of '`class`' * Silenced MSC compiler warning about `signed`/`unsigned` comparison ([[CPAN:95830|CPAN RT#95830]]) * Updated `perl-File-pushd` to 1.007: * Fixed a testing edge case on Windows * Updated `perl-Filter` to 1.50: * Do not re-bless already blessed `filter_add` arguments into the caller's package ([[CPAN:54452|CPAN RT#54452]]) * `t/z_pod-coverage.t`: omit empty `Filter::decrypt` (also fixes [[CPAN:84405|CPAN RT#84405]]) * Fix Perl Compiler detection in `Filter::decrypt` * Updated `perl-IO-AIO` to 4.31 as per the Fedora version * Updated `perl-IO-Socket-SSL` to 1.992 as per the Fedora version * Updated `perl-MetaCPAN-Client` to 1.005000 as per the Fedora version * Updated `perl-Module-Metadata` to 1.000024 as per the Fedora version * Updated `perl-Moose` to 2.1209: * Fix implementation of `throw_exception` in internal `Class::MOP` traits, caused by changes in 2.1207 ([[CPAN:96112|CPAN RT#96112]]) * The `is_anon` method now always returns `false` when called on `Moose::Meta::Role::Composite` objects; this isn't strictly right, but for the purposes of `Moose` internals, where "`is_anon`" really means "needs to be cleaned up", it's correct * Updated `perl-TAP-Harness` and `perl-Test-Harness` to 3.31: * Implement external rulesfile for `TAP::Harness` * Add `harness_class` argument to `TAP::Harness::Env` * Make `prove` respect environmental variables ([[https://github.com/Perl-Toolchain-Gang/Test-Harness/issues/28|GH #28]]) ----