#acl PaulHowarth:read,write,admin,revert,delete All:read === Tuesday 1st July 2014 === ==== Fedora Project ==== * Updated `perl-CPAN-Meta-Check` (0.009) to run the release tests unconditionally since the circular build dependency issue that was an issue when bootstrapping has been resolved: building `perl-YAML-Tiny` no longer pulls in `perl-CPAN-Meta-Check` * Updated `perl-Path-Tiny` to 0.055 in Rawhide and EPEL-7: * `tempfile`/`tempdir` won't warn if used as functions without arguments ==== Local Packages ==== * Updated `perl-DBD-CSV` to 0.43: * Optionally skip tests using `File::Spec->tempdir()` ([[CPAN:87684|CPAN RT#87684]]) * Document the use of `$TMPDIR` in `README` * Make the `SYNOPSIS` more reflect real-world usage * Detect `DBI::Test` and use it if available * Unquote schemas in test for cygwin * Extra guards in `Makefile.PL` for unmet requirements * Updated `perl-Net-FTPSSL` to 0.24: * `Makefile.PL` fix: only asks question if `Net::HTTPTunel` isn't present; also now defaults to "N" instead of "Y" if module not present * Fixed bug in `supported()`; unsupported commands are followed with "`*`" in help - most do "`CMD*`", but found some servers doing "`CMD *`" instead * Fixed bug in `20-certificate.t` where we were getting a false failure on `nlst()`; fixed to explicitly check the response code instead of assuming an error when nothing was found (fixed `list()` as well) * Same fix in `10-complex.t`, even though tests designed to always return something * Added `transfer()` to transfer files from one system to another system without the need to make a local copy of the file * Added `xtransfer()` as well * Added `transfer` and `xtransfer` validation to `10-complex.t` to test things out * Added a new environment variable default for `*.t` prompts * Fix hang issue when the command channel unexpectedly drops, by implementing a timeout in `response()` ([[CPAN:95411|CPAN RT#95411]]) * Updated `perl-Path-Tiny` to 0.055 as per the Fedora version * Updated `php-Smarty` to 3.1.19: * Revert date format fix from 3.1.18 because `%-e` date format is not supported on all operating systems * Bugfix: calling `createTemplate(template, data)` with empty data array caused notice of array to string conversion (Issue 189) * Bugfix: `clearCompiledTemplate()` did not delete files on Windows when a `compile_id` was specified * Using multiple `cwd` with relative template dirs could result in identical compiled file names (Issue 194 and Topic 25099) * Fixed `PHPUnit` `outputFilterTrimWhitespaceTests.php` assertion of test result * Fixed spelling, `PHPDoc`, minor errors, code cleanup * Bugfix: `{block}` tags within `{literal}` .. `{/literal}` were not displayed correctly (topic 25024) * Bugfix: UNC Windows paths like "`\\psf\path\to\dir`" did not work as template directory (Issue 192) * Bugfix: `{html_image}` security check failed on files relative to `basedir` (Issue 191) * Bugfix: large template text of some charsets could cause parsing errors (Topic 24630) * Bugfix: template variables could not be passed as parameters in `{include}` when the include was in a `{nocache}` section (Topic 25131) ----