#acl PaulHowarth:read,write,admin,revert,delete All:read === Wednesday 27th August 2014 === ==== Local Packages ==== * Updated `nmap` to 6.47 (see http://nmap.org/changelog.html for details) * Updated `perl-CPAN-Changes` not to use the `Moo` module when bootstrapping, to avoid a build dependency loop * Tidied up and rebuilt `perl-Devel-StackTrace` * Updated `perl-namespace-autoclean` not to try to run the optional tests when bootstrapping, to avoid a build dependency loop * Updated `perl-Role-Tiny` not to use the `namespace::autoclean` module when bootstrapping, to avoid a build dependency loop * Tidied up and rebuilt `perl-Software-License` * Updated `perl-Test-CleanNamespaces` not to try to run the optional tests when bootstrapping, to avoid a build dependency loop ----