#acl PaulHowarth:read,write,admin,revert,delete All:read === Friday 5th September 2014 === ==== Fedora Project ==== * Updated `perl-ExtUtils-Depends` to 0.401 in Rawhide: * Add `README` changes created by '`make dist`' from the POD * Rename test modules * Test old/new schemes with `.pm` files * Move old/new scheme tests from middle of other stuff to end * Rename test packages to 8.3 unique * Updated `perl-IO-All` to 0.79 in Rawhide: * Add `t/000-compile-modules.t` * Eliminate `File::Basename` from `test/` * Eliminate spurious trailing whitespace * Meta 0.0.2 * Remove '`use 5.x.x`' from code * Fix `strict`/`warnings` * Change `testdir` to `t` * Replace tabs with spaces * Add new overloads from [[https://github.com/ingydotnet/io-all-pm/pull/49|PR/49]] * Doc enhancement ([[https://github.com/ingydotnet/io-all-pm/pull/51|PR/51]]) ==== Local Packages ==== * Updated `perl-Expect` to 1.31: * New co-maintainer (Gabor Szabo) * Merge `.pod` and `.pm` and move them to `lib/` * Move the test and the code to standard location `/t` in the distribution * Eliminate indirect calls in tests * Use `Test::More` instead of home-brew testing * Typos fixed in pod ([[CPAN:86852|CPAN RT#86852]]) * `Changes` file re-ordered and standardized * Refactored test script * Eliminate indirect calls in the code and in the docs * Use `Perl::Tidy` to unify layout * Added `use warnings;` * `IO::Tty` prerequisite version 1.03 → 1.11 * More test diagnostics * Tests added for [[CPAN:62359|CPAN RT#62359]] * Skip the `bc` test on OS-es where it has been failing * Stop inheriting from `Exporter` * Eliminate {{{$`}}} and `$'` from the code (part of [[CPAN:61395|CPAN RT#61395]]); this fix might break some existing code in some extreme cases when the regex being matched has a look-behind or a look-ahead at the edges * Remove `$&` and {{{$`}}}, fixing the rest of [[CPAN:61395|CPAN RT#61395]] * Various code refactoring declaring loop variables, parameter passing, return `undef`, etc. * `croak` if `undef` passed to `_trim_length` * Update documentation according to [[CPAN:60722|CPAN RT#60722]] * [[CPAN:47834|CPAN RT#47834]]: after a failed call to `->expect`, the `->match` and `->after` will return `undef` and `->before` will return the content of the accumulator; earlier they retained the values obtained during the last successful match (`->before` will return `undef` the first time but later, if we call `->clear_accum`, it will start returning the empty string) * In the tests, add special treatment for `$^O` = `midnightbsd` and `dragonfly`, and for `$^O` = `linux` as well * Test `t/11-calc.t` also got some special treatment * Updated `perl-ExtUtils-CBuilder` to 0.280219: * Quoted `perl` path for Windows support ([[CPAN:98245|CPAN RT#98245]]) * Mis-spelled '`starup`' key in `BCC` support was fixed ([[CPAN:79574|CPAN RT#79574]]) * Fixed the version in the `PM` file *- Fixed regression on Android * Updated `perl-ExtUtils-Depends` to 0.401 as per the Fedora version * Updated `perl-HTTP-Tiny` to 0.049: * '`keep_alive`' is now `fork`-safe and thread-safe * Updated `perl-File-ShareDir-ProjectDistDir` to 1.000004: * No code changes * Tests updated * Metadata updated * Whitespace reduced * Minor documentation fixes ----