#acl PaulHowarth:read,write,admin,revert,delete All:read === Wednesday 15th October 2014 === ==== Fedora Project ==== * Updated `perl-JSON-MaybeXS` to 1.002005 in F-21 and Rawhide: * Fix "can I haz XS?" logic precedence in `Makefile.PL` * Added the '`:all`' export tag * Removed dependency on `Safe::Isa` * Repository moved to `git://git.shadowcat.co.uk/p5sagit/JSON-MaybeXS.git` * Updated `perl-Path-Tiny` to 0.059 in F-21, Rawhide and EPEL-7: * Fixed precedence bug in the check for `Unicode::UTF8` * Updated `perl-Pod-Readme` to 1.0.2 in Rawhide: * This is a complete rewrite, using modern Perl with `Moo` * Added support for plugins, along with plugins to insert the module version, prerequisites and the latest changes * Added the ability to generate a `README` in a variety of formats, such as POD, Markdown, HTML, RTF, etc. * Added command-line options to the `pod2readme` script, including the ability to specify the output format * Switched to semantic versioning * The documentation has been updated accordingly * This is no longer a subclass of a POD parser, although it has some wrapper methods for compatibility with software known to use it ==== Local Packages ==== * Updated `dovecot` to 2.2.14: * `lmtp`: `Delivered-To:` header no longer contains `<>` around the email address; other MDAs don't have it either * "Out of disk space" errors are now treated as temporary errors (not the same as "Out of disk quota") * `replication` plugin: use replication only for users who have a non-empty `mail_replica` setting * `lmtp` proxy: log a line about each mail delivery * Added `login_source_ips` setting; this can be used to set the source IP address round-robin from a pool of IPs (in case you run out of TCP ports) * `rawlog` settings can use `tcp::` as the path * `virtual` plugin: don't keep more than `virtual_max_open_mailboxes` (default 64) number of backend mailboxes open * SSL/TLS compression can be disabled with `ssl_options=no_compression` * `acl`: global ACL file now supports "quotes" around patterns * Added `last-login` plugin to set user's last-login timestamp on login * `LDAP` auth: allow `passdb` credentials lookup also with `auth_bind=yes` * `IMAP`: `MODSEQ` was sent in `FETCH` reply even if `CONDSTORE`/`QRESYNC` wasn't enabled; this broke at least old Outlooks * `passdb static` treated missing password field the same as an empty password field * `mdbox`: fixed potential infinite looping when scanning a broken `mdbox` file * `imap-login`, `pop3-login`: fixed potential crashes when client disconnected unexpectedly * `imap` proxy: the connection was hanging in some usage patterns; this mainly affected older Outlooks * `lmtp` proxy: the proxy sometimes delivered empty mails in error situations or potentially delivered truncated mails * `fts-lucene`: if `whitespace_chars` was set, we may have ended up indexing some garbage words, growing the index size unnecessarily * `-c` and `-i` parameters for `dovecot`/`doveadm` commands were ignored if the `config` socket was readable * `quota`: quota recalculation didn't include `INBOX` in some setups * Mail headers were sometimes added to `dovecot.index.cache` in the wrong order; the main problem this caused was with `dsync+imapc` incremental syncing when the second sync thought the local mailbox had changed * Fixed several race conditions with `dovecot.index.cache` handling that may have caused unnecessary "cache is corrupted" errors * `doveadm backup` didn't notice if emails were missing from the middle of the destination mailbox; now it deletes and resyncs the mailbox * `auth`: if `auth` client listed `userdb` and disconnected before finishing, the `auth` worker process got stuck (and eventually all workers could get used up and requests would start failing) * Updated `perl-JSON-MaybeXS` to 1.002005 as per the Fedora version * Updated `perl-Path-Tiny` to 0.059 as per the Fedora version * Updated `perl-Pod-Readme` to 1.0.2 as per the Fedora version * Updated `php-Smarty` to 3.1.20: * Bugfix: an earlier bugfix broke correct handling of child templates with the same name but different template folders in `extends` resource (issue 194 and topic 25099) * Enhancement: remove BOM automatically from template source (topic 25161) * Bugfix: cache clear when cache folder does not exist * Bugfix: modifier `wordwrap` outputted the break string incorrectly if the first word exceeded length with `cut = true` (topic 25193) * Bugfix: template resource of inheritance blocks could get invalid if the default resource type is not '`file`' (issue 202) * Bugfix: existing child `{block}` tag must override parent `{block}` tag `append` / `prepend` setting (topic 25259) * Bugfix: security mode of "`