#acl PaulHowarth:read,write,admin,revert,delete All:read === Sunday 4th January 2015 === ==== Fedora Project ==== * Updated `perl-IO-All` to 0.86 in Rawhide (revamp docs) ==== Local Packages ==== * Updated `perl-List-MoreUtils` to 0.402: * Reformat `Changes` as per `CPAN::Changes::Spec` * Move repository to !GitHub * Merge Tassilo's 0.25_nn dev releases back * Mark "`any`" and "`all`" as "to be discussed" * Bump version to clarify new age (contributors welcome!) * Bump minimum `perl` version to 5.8.1 * Split implementations between existing authors * Switch to `DynaLoader` and `Exporter::Tiny` * Rely for testing on `Test::WriteVariants` and `Data::Tumbler` (`DBI::Test` technology to improve tests) * Fix 64-bit integer precision ([[CPAN:93207|CPAN RT#93207]]) * Fix compile error on threaded perls ([[CPAN:93934|CPAN RT#93934]]) * Fix exporter configuration ([[CPAN:#93929|CPAN RT#93929]]) * Allow choice of implementation ([[CPAN:40905|CPAN RT#40905]]) * Add test for [[CPAN:76749|CPAN RT#76749]] * Fix issues on older perls back to 5.8.1 * Fix backward compatibility issues ([[CPAN:93995|CPAN RT#93995]], [[CPAN:94013|CPAN RT#94013]]) * Fix some spelling issues ([[CPAN:86347|CPAN RT#86347]], [[CPAN:87490|CPAN RT#87490]]) * Clarify dependencies, especially recommended ones * Add some additional tests to prove reported bugs * Rename implementations from `alias` => `relax` and `tassilo` => `strict` * Remove '`sno`' implementation * Add precedence '`default`' in addition to '`all`' for those who prefer `strict` over `relax` * Refactor LMU * Cut out exporter-related cruft; it was only necessary when needing to choose between multiple implementations * Reorganize and clarify documentation * Revise `SYNOPSIS` and `DESCRIPTION` for revised export model * Introduce "`:like_*`" import tags * Remove `Data::Tumbler` and `Module::Pluggable` from configure dependencies; they're coming with `Test::WriteVariants` * Fix `none` for 0.24 and clarify API tag documentation * Refactor import tags for clarity * Bundle non-core modules (compared to 5.14) * Bundle `configure_requires` using `inc::latest` * Check types before starting logic ([[CPAN:96596|CPAN RT#96596]]) * Lower minimum `perl` required to 5.6 * Switch to `check_produce_loadable_xs_build` of `Config::AutoConf` 0.307 . I couldn't get the XS version working on perl 5.8, so the update is only built for distributions with `perl` 5.10 onwards (F-9, EL-6 onwards) ----