#acl PaulHowarth:read,write,admin,revert,delete All:read === Wednesday 14th January 2015 === ==== Fedora Project ==== * Updated `perl-Test-CPAN-Meta-JSON` to 0.16 in Rawhide: * Fixed `license` fields in `META.json` to be lists * Extended META test suite * Added '`2.0`' as an alias to '`2`' version spec. * License __must__ be a list of strings ==== Local Packages ==== * Rebuilt `perl-IO-Compress` (2.068) to fix up a spec file comment * Updated `perl-Pod-Simple` to 3.29: * NOTE: This will be the last release of `Pod::Simple` to support versions of `Perl` earlier than 5.6 * Fixed test failure for unsupported encoding on `Perl` 5.6 * Removed unnecessary dependency on `constant` ([[CPAN:85578|CPAN RT#85578]]) * Many documentation and comment typos fixed * Fixed issue when an encoding is declared via an '`=encoding`' directive __after__ `Pod::Simple` has already detected an encoding * Added '`>&STDERR`' as an output to better emulate `Pod::Parser::parse_from_file()` * Tidied the description of the different `Pod::Simple` interfaces, with greater emphasis on the four different steps to subclassing * Added the '`top_anchor`' attribue to `Pod::Simple::HTML`, to allow specification of a custom top anchor format * Fixed the text formatter to properly set the `Text::Wrap` overflow policy * Fixed mis-matched quotation marks when adding !JavaScript elements to the XHTML output * Fixed issues on EBCDIC ([[https://github.com/theory/pod-simple/pull/58|PR#58]]) * Fixed bug where the value passed to `Pod::Simple::XHTML`'s `html_css()` method would be output twice ([[CPAN:99303|CPAN RT#99303]]) * Documented the '`recurse`' attribute of `Pod::Simple::Search` ([[CPAN:91886|CPAN RT#91886]]) * An error is no longer thrown when '`=encoding`' directives are found on subsequent lines; instead, we now log a an error message, "`Cannot have multiple =encoding directives`" ([[CPAN:91757|CPAN RT#91757]]) * The HTML and XHTML formatters now do a better job of preserving lines in '`begin html`' blocks ([[PerlRT:9385|Perl RT#9385]], [[CPAN:91851|CPAN RT#91851]]) * Updated `perl-Test-CPAN-Meta-JSON` to 0.16 as per the Fedora version ----