#acl PaulHowarth:read,write,admin,revert,delete All:read === Wednesday 18th February 2015 === ==== Local Packages ==== * Updated all `moin` theme packages to drop support for old distributions prior to FC-5 and to move static content from `/usr/share/moin/htdocs/...` to the python site library as wanted by `moin` ≥ 1.9.0, removing any old compat symlink with a `lua` `%pretrans` script: . {{{ %global moin_static_content_dir %{python_sitelib}/MoinMoin/web/static/htdocs %pretrans -p -- Remove old compat symlink, if present path = "%{moin_static_content_dir}/theme-name" st = posix.stat(path) if st and st.type == "link" then os.remove(path) end }}} ----