
Tuesday 3rd March 2015

Fedora Project

  • Updated perl-Perl-Critic to 1.125 in F-22 and Rawhide:

    • Corrected dependency on List::Util::any() to List::MoreUtils::any() (GH #626)

    • Revised and updated documentation

Local Packages

  • Updated perl-Moo to 2.000000:

  • Incompatible Changes

    • Fatal warnings and the other additional checks from the strictures module will no longer be applied to modules using Moo or Moo::Role; we now only apply strict and (non-fatal) warnings, matching the behaviour of Moose

    • Classes without attributes used to store everything passed to ->new in the object; this has been fixed to not store anything in the object, making it consistent with classes that had attributes

    • Moo will now pass __no_BUILD__ to parent constructors when inheriting from a Moose or Class::Tiny class, to prevent them from calling BUILD functions; Moo calls the BUILD functions itself, which previously led to them being called multiple times

    • Attempting to replace an existing constructor, or modify one that has been used, will throw an error (this includes adding attributes); previously, this would result in some attributes being silently ignored by the constructor
    • If a class's @ISA is modified without using 'extends' in a way that affects object construction, Moo will detect this and throw an error; this can happen in code that uses ->load_components from Class::C3::Componentised, which is common in DBIx::Class modules

  • Bug Fixes

    • Fix calling class methods on Moo::HandleMoose::FakeMetaClass, such as modules scanning all classes

  • Miscellaneous

    • use Sub::Util instead of Sub::Name if available

  • Updated perl-Perl-Critic to 1.125 as per the Fedora version
