#acl PaulHowarth:read,write,admin,revert,delete All:read === Monday 23rd March 2015 === ==== Fedora Project ==== * Updated `perl-CPAN-Meta-Check` to 0.011 in F-22 and Rawhide: * Declare the minimum version required for the "`merged_requirements`" interface * Updated `perl-FileHandle-Unget` to 0.1624 in F-22 and Rawhide: * Moved code to github * Added POD test * Improve testability of `binmode_bug.t`, `stdin_tell_bug.t` * Implement a potential fix for test failures where `FileHandle::getline()` seems to be reading a single line even though `$/` is `undef` * Use "`local $/`" instead of reassigning global `$/` * Improve documentation for `input_record_separator()` * Updated `perl-JSON-MaybeXS` to 1.003005 in F-22 and Rawhide: * Fix `x_contributors` metadata that was killing metacpan (see https://github.com/CPAN-API/cpan-api/issues/401) * Updated `perl-Mail-Mbox-MessageParser` to 1.5100 in F-22 and Rawhide: * Moved code to github * Added `xz` support ([[CPAN:68286|CPAN RT#68286]]) * Added `lzip` support (http://sourceforge.net/p/grepmail/patches/8/) * Added POD test * Fixed hang in pure Perl implementation for a malformed mbox file scenario * Fixed `$OLDSTDERR` used only once warning ([[CPAN:58053|CPAN RT#58053]]) * Fixed enabling of warnings ([[CPAN:79898|CPAN RT#79898]]) * Fixed a division by zero error for malformed mbox files that start with a newline ([[CPAN:69469|CPAN RT#69469]]) * Fix bug in `M::M::Perl` documentation * Add more cache file validation * Updated `perl-Test-Warnings` to 0.021 in F-22 and Rawhide: * Add a `x_breaks` entry for conflicting versions of `File::pushd` that inadvertently call our exported `warnings()` rather than invoking `warnings.pm`, and documented this undesired interaction * Updated `perl-Tree-DAG_Node` to 1.25 in Rawhide: * Deleted the undocumented sub `_dump_quote()`, which butchered Unicode characters when it tried to convert ASCII control characters into printable strings (on the assumption all data is ASCII); methods that used to call `_dump_quote()` now just output the node's name by calling `quote_name()`, which is discussed next, and undefined names are output as the string '`undef`' * Add method `quote_name()`, which simply returns its input string surrounded by single-quotes * Add method `decode_lol()`, which converts the output of `tree_to_lol()` and `tree_to_simple_lol()` into something that is easy to read * Re-order a couple of methods called `tree_*()`, so that they are in alphabetical order * Expand the docs for methods `tree_to_*()`, regarding undefined node names * Add `scripts/write.tree.pl`, which creates the test input file `t/tree.utf8.attributes.txt` (note: this file is now much more complex than in previous versions) * Add `scripts/read.tree.pl`, and its output file `scripts/read.tree.log`; this program demonstrates the output produced by various methods * Fix the faulty syntax I had used in `Build.PL` to identify the github repo * Delete and re-create github repo after '`git push`' failed to upload the new version * Add `LICENSE` file to `MANIFEST` ==== Local Packages ==== * Updated `perl-CPAN-Meta-Check` to 0.011 as per the Fedora version * Updated `perl-DateTime-TimeZone` to 1.86: * This release is based on version 2015b of the Olson database * Contemporary changes for Mongolia and Palestine * Updated `perl-FileHandle-Unget` to 0.1624 as per the Fedora version * Updated `perl-JSON-MaybeXS` to 1.003005 as per the Fedora version * Updated `perl-Mail-Mbox-MessageParser` to 1.5100 as per the Fedora version * Updated `perl-MCE` to 1.604: . '''Bug Fixes''' * All bugs found during testing of the upcoming 1.7 release have been backported to the 1.6 branch . '''New Features''' * Added `out_iter_array` and `out_iter_fh` to `MCE::Candy`; these preserve output order and cover the two general use cases * Updated `perl-Module-CoreList` to 5.20150320: * Updated for v5.21.10 * Updated `perl-Test-Warnings` to 0.021 as per the Fedora version * Updated `perl-Tree-DAG_Node` to 1.25 as per the Fedora version ----