#acl PaulHowarth:read,write,admin,revert,delete All:read === Wednesday 8th April 2015 === ==== Fedora Project ==== * Updated `perl-indirect` to 0.35 in F-22 and Rawhide: * The module could end being disabled in one thread if it was first loaded in another thread and that thread was immediately terminated; this is now fixed and should address test failures of `t/09-load-threads.t` and `t/42-threads-global.t` * Updated `perl-Mixin-Linewise` to 0.107 in F-22 and Rawhide: * Add leading hashref arg for passing `binmode` to `read_string`, `write_string` * Do not modify references of args passed to `read_file`, `write_file` * Updated `perl-Module-Signature` to 0.77 in F-20, F-21, F-22, Rawhide, EPEL-5 and EPEL-6: * Fix GPG signature parsing logic ([[RedHatBugzilla:1209911|Bug #1209911]]) * `MANIFEST.SKIP` is no longer consulted unless `--skip` is given ([[RedHatBugzilla:1209915|Bug #1209915]]) * Properly use `open()` modes to avoid injection attacks ([[RedHatBugzilla:1209917|Bug #1209917]]) * More protection of `@INC` from relative paths ([[RedHatBugzilla:1209918|Bug #1209918]]) * Fix signature tests by defaulting to `verify(skip=>1)` when `$ENV{TEST_SIGNATURE}` is true * Include the latest public keys of `PAUSE`, `ANDK` and `AUDREYT` * Clarify `scripts/cpansign` copyright to `CC0` ([[RedHatBugzilla:965126|Bug #965126]], [[CPAN:85466|CPAN RT#85466]]) * Updated `perl-Test-Signature` to 1.11 in F-20, F-21, F-22, Rawhide, EPEL-5 and EPEL-6: * Compatibility with `Module::Signature` ≥ 0.75 ==== Local Packages ==== * Updated `perl-File-Find-Object` to 0.2.13: * Clarified the documentation regarding the use/return of array references * Updated `perl-HTML-Lint` to 2.22: * Previously, `html_ok()` would not check the entire structure of a web page to check for ``, ``, `` and `<body>` tags; now it will . If you want to check fragments of HTML for validity but know that they are not valid HTML documents on their own, use the new `html_fragment_ok()` * Added new error, `elem-input-alt-missing`, that warns of `<input type="image">` tags that are missing an `alt=""` attribute; this helps for accessibility to make sure that any images have alternate text for screen readers * Added ability to modify `HTML::Lint`'s table of known tags and attributes, so you could add proprietary/new tags if you wanted * `Test::HTML::Lint::html_ok()` would not call the `HTML::Lint` `eof()` method, which meant it wouldn't do document-wide tests * Updated `perl-Mixin-Linewise` to 0.107 as per the Fedora version * Updated `perl-Module-Signature` to 0.77 as per the Fedora version * Updated `perl-Test-Signature` to 1.11 as per the Fedora version ----