#acl PaulHowarth:read,write,admin,revert,delete All:read === Tuesday 26th May 2015 === ==== Fedora Project ==== * Updated `perl-CPAN-Changes` to 0.400001 in Rawhide: * Accept either UTF-8 or ISO-8859-1 files and decode them * Only treat bracketed text if it is on its own line with no other brackets * Bump `version.pm` prereq to make sure it works properly * Let long tokens (like URLs) overflow rather than splitting them into multiple lines * Don't wrap on non-breaking spaces * Clean up packaging * Return `undef` for dates or notes that don't exist * Quote meta chars to fix a problem that clobbered dates with timezones due to the '`+`' char ([[https://github.com/CPAN-API/CPAN-Changes/pull/20|GH #20]]) * Updated `perl-Sysadm-Install` to 0.45 in Rawhide: * Fixed manifest and tests for the Windows platform * Updated `perl-parent` to 0.233 in Rawhide: * The diagnostic about inheriting from ourselves was removed; it served no purpose as Perl already warns if we try to inherit in a circular way * Updated `perl-Test-RequiresInternet` to 0.05 in Rawhide: * Fix test error when `NO_NETWORK_TESTING` is set ([[CPAN:101996|CPAN RT#101996]], [[https://github.com/mrallen1/Test-RequiresInternet/pull/3|GH#3]]) ==== Local Packages ==== * New package `perl-Math-Base-Convert` (0.08) * Updated `perl-CPAN-Changes` to 0.400001 as per the Fedora version * Updated `perl-parent` to 0.233 as per the Fedora version * Updated `perl-SQL-Statement` to 1.407: * Fix SQL function `CONV` to use limited number of sane character sets for conversion and rely on `Math::Base::Convert` instead of own code ([[CPAN:100551|CPAN RT#100551]]) * Fix handling of literal identifiers and for every `IMPORT` rely on literal identifiers to avoid parser errors for column names starting with numbers or similar * Fix capability cache: "`$class->can(...)`" might return `undef` and therefore non-existent capabilities are queried too often * Fix `COUNT(DISTINCT col)` without `GROUP BY` clause * Fix "parse insert with functions" ([[https://github.com/perl5-dbi/SQL-Statement/pull/6|GitHub PR#6]], [[CPAN:96628|CPAN RT#96628]]) * Fix [[CPAN:93320|CPAN RT#93320]]: SQL-style comment can not begin inside quotes * Fix [[CPAN:104579|CPAN RT#104579]]: Redundant argument in `sprintf` * Fix [[CPAN:104589|CPAN RT#104589]]: `t/14parse.t` fails if `Test::Deep` is not installed * Clean up `Makefile.PL`, meta-data and requirements * Reduce blocks and rewrite some inner statements to increase speed of sql command processing . I got some strange test failures in Perl 5.8.8 that may be due to updated test dependency packages as the old 1.405 package also now fails to build; I have only built for Fedora 9 onwards as a result of this * Updated `perl-Test-RequiresInternet` to 0.05 as per the Fedora version * Updated `python-twisted` to 15.2.1 (see [[http://twistedmatrix.com/trac/browser/tags/releases/twisted-15.2.1/NEWS?format=raw|NEWS]] for details) ----