#acl PaulHowarth:read,write,admin,revert,delete All:read === Friday 3rd July 2015 === ==== Local Packages ==== * Updated `city-fan.org-release` to require `dnf` rather than `yum` from Fedora 22 onwards * Updated `perl-ExtUtils-CBuilder` to 0.280223: * Impose deterministic order on `cpp`-definition options ([[CPAN:124106|CPAN RT#124106]]) * Add tests for ascii-betical order in `t/04-base.t` * Updated `perl-Term-ReadKey` to 2.33: * Re-factor tests * Fix parallel build ([[CPAN:100932|CPAN RT#100932]]) . I updated the build to run the test suite using `expect` so that it thinks there is a terminal present whilst building in `mock` ----