#acl PaulHowarth:read,write,admin,revert,delete All:read === Friday 24th July 2015 === ==== Local Packages ==== * Updated `perl-Moo` to 2.000002: * `BUILDARGS` will now always be called on object creation, even if no attributes exist * Fix required attributes with spaces or other odd characters in `init_arg` * Fix `(is => 'lazy', required => 1, init_arg => undef)`, which previously didn't think it provided a builder * Under '`no Moo::sification`', prevent automatic `Moose` metaclass inflation from `->meta` calls * Don't load `Moo::Role` for a `->does` check if no roles could exist * Make global destruction test more robust from outside interference * Fix false default values satisfying required attributes * Fix `Moose` attribute delegation to a `Moo` class via a wildcard * Work around case where `Sub::Util` is loadable but doesn't provide `Sub::Util::set_subname` * Skip thread tests on `perl` 5.8.4 and below where threads are extremely unreliable * Allow stub methods (e.g. `sub foo;`) to be overwritten by accessors or other generated methods ([[CPAN:103804|CPAN RT#103804]]) ----