#acl PaulHowarth:read,write,admin,revert,delete All:read === Friday 18th September 2015 === ==== Fedora Project ==== * Updated `perl-Net-SSH-Perl` to 1.41 in F-23 and Rawhide: * Declare new dependency to `File::HomeDir` in `Makefile.PL` * Use `Errno` constants in a more portable way ==== Local Packages ==== * Updated `perl-Class-XSAccessor` (1.19) and `perl-version` (0.9912) to explicitly build-require `perl-devel`, needed for the `EXTERN.h` header file; this is going to be a common requirement for all XS-based packages * Updated `perl-Net-DNS` to 1.02: * Suppress messages: `Can't locate Net/DNS/Resolver/linux.pm` ([[CPAN:107052|CPAN RT#107052]]) * Dependency on `MIME::Base32` made `Net::DNS` not installable on MSWin32 ([[CPAN:106916|CPAN RT#106916]]) * Fix `Net::DNS::Resolver::Recurse` and IPv6 Reverse DNS ([[CPAN:106565|CPAN RT#106565]]) * Version test for `Pod::Test` was broken ([[CPAN:105808|CPAN RT#105808]]) . I had to disable running `t/10-recurse.t` as I found it now prone to hanging ([[CPAN:107152|CPAN RT#107152]]) * Updated `perl-Net-SSLeay` to 1.71: * Conditionalize support for MD4, MD5 * Added support for linking libraries in `/usr/local/lib64` for some flavours of Linux like RH Tikanga * Fixes to `X509_check_host`, `X509_check_ip`, `SSL_CTX_set_alpn_protos`, and `SSL_set_alpn_protos` so they will compile on MSVC and AIX `cc` * Fixed typos in documentation for `X509_NAME_new` and `X509_NAME_hash` * Version number in `META.yml` is now quoted ----