#acl PaulHowarth:read,write,admin,revert,delete All:read === Thursday 29th October 2015 === ==== Fedora Project ==== * Updated `proftpd` (1.3.5a) in F-23 and Rawhide to see if we can fix crash in `mod_lang` ([[ProftpdBugzilla:4206|Upstream Bug #4206]], https://retrace.fedoraproject.org/faf/reports/10744/) ==== Local Packages ==== * Updated `perl-Search-Elasticsearch` to 2.00: * The default client is now '`2_0::Direct`', for use with Elasticsearch 2.x; specify client '`1_0::Direct` if using with Elasticsearch 1.x . Breaking: * The `field` parameter to `indices.get_field_mapping()` has been renamed to `fields` . New features: * Added `fields` param to `Bulk` helper * The `name` parameter to `indices.get_template()` can accept multiple options * Added `indices.forcemerge()` and deprecated `indices.optimize()` * The `index` parameter to `indices.open()` and `indices.close()` is required * Added `allow_no_indices`, `expand_wildcards`, and `ignore_unavailable` params to `indices.flush_synced()` * Added the `timeout` param to `cluster.stats()`, `nodes.hot_threads()`, `nodes.stats()`, and `nodes.info()` * `cluster.health()` can accept multiple indices * Added `cat.repositories()` and `cat.snapshots()` * Added `detect_noop` param to `update()` * `search_shards()` accepts multi values for index/type * `delete_template()` requires an `id` * Add `fork` protection to `Scroll` and `Async::Scroll` . Bug fix: * Added missing `debug` `QS` param * Updated `proftpd` as per the Fedora version ----