#acl PaulHowarth:read,write,admin,revert,delete All:read === Tuesday 1st March 2016 === ==== Fedora Project ==== * Updated `perl-DateTime` to 1.24 in F-24 and Rawhide: * The last release partially broke `$dt->time`; if you passed a value to use as unit separator, it was ignored ([[CPAN:112585|CPAN RT#112585]]) * Updated `perl-Tree-DAG_Node` to 1.29 in F-24 and Rawhide: * No code changes * Rework `Makefile.PL` so `File::Spec`, `File::Temp` and `Test::More` are in `TEST_REQUIRES` ([[CPAN:112568|CPAN RT#112568]]) * Expand the `SYNOPSIS` * Update `MANIFEST.SKIP` to include `.gitignore` * `Test::Pod` is only a developer dependency * Updated `perltidy` to 20160302 in F-24 and Rawhide: * Corrected a minor problem in which an unwanted newline was placed before the closing brace of an anonymous sub with a signature, if it was in a list ([[CPAN:112534|CPAN RT#112534]]) * Corrected a minor problem in which occasional extra indentation was given to the closing brace of an anonymous sub in a list when the `-lp` parameter was set ==== Local Packages ==== * Updated `perl-DateTime` to 1.24 as per the Fedora version * Updated `perl-Moo` to 2.001000: . Documentation: * Added documentation for `has`'s ability to accept an arrayref of attribute names to create with the same options * Removed mention that we may not call `BUILDARGS`, since that behavior was removed in 2.000002 * Reorganized documentation of class methods to separate those provided as a public API (`new`/`does`/`meta`) from those used by `Moo` in the object lifecycle (`BUILDARGS`/`FOREIGNBUILDARGS`/`BUILD`/`DEMOLISH`) * Updated documentation of most class methods for clarity * Updated `BUILDARGS` documentation to show an `around` rather than just overriding * Added examples to `FOREIGNBUILDARGS` and `BUILD` * Added explicit documentation for `DOES` and `meta` methods . Fixes: * Fixed grammar in error message when `@ISA` is changed unexpectedly before a constructor is fully generated * Fixed `Moo` classes and `Sub::Quote` subs in packages that are nearly 252 characters long * Fixed `Sub::Defer::undefer_package` emitting warnings * Fixed detection of constructors that have already been inlined . Performance: * The generated code in constructors and setters has had a number of microoptimizations applied * Deferred subs (and quoted subs like some accessors) in roles will be undeferred before copying them to classes; this prevents the need for a `goto` on every call, which would slow down the subs * Fixed `Moose` inflation code resulting in constructors with deferred wrappers . Other: * Recommend `Sub::Name` 0.08, which fixes a memory leak * The values given to `BUILD` subs will be the original values passed to `new`, rather than after coercions have been applied; this brings the behavior in line with `Moose` * Updated `perl-Perl-Tidy` to 20160302 as per the Fedora `perltidy` package * Updated `perl-PPIx-Regexp` to 0.048: * Add option '`strict`', like '`use re "strict"`' . In the presence of `strict()`, I opted to set `perl_version_introduced` to the version of Perl where the construct became an error * Parse '`\N{}`' as no-op . The previous parse was a character class ('`\N`') followed by two literals ('`{`' and '`}`'), but `perl5238delta` said that it had been ignored up to that time; starting with 5.23.8 it is an error if '`use re strict`' is in effect * Quash '`NOT a POSIX class ...`' warning under 5.23.8 * Updated `perl-Term-ReadLine-Gnu` to 1.29: * Pop the `stdio` `PerlIO` layer only when `utf8` layer is included for remote debugging ([[CPAN:110121|CPAN RT#110121]]) * Call `utf8::decode()` for a UTF8-enabled input filehandle ([[CPAN:104239|CPAN RT#104239]]) * Call `newTTY()` any time to set filehandles * Make use of '`our`' instead of '`use vars`' * Add tests for UTF-8 handling * Pass `_rl_store_iostream` '`FILE *`' instead of '`PerlIO *`' * Remove `T_STDIO` definition from `typemap` * Requires 5.8.1 * Updated `perl-Tree-DAG_Node` to 1.29 as per the Fedora version ----