#acl PaulHowarth:read,write,admin,revert,delete All:read === Monday 18th April 2016 === ==== Fedora Project ==== * Updated `perl-Path-Tiny` to 0.088 in F-24 and Rawhide: * Fixed bugs in relative symlink resolution for `realpath`, `spew` and `edit_lines` * Symlink resolution will detect circular loops and throw an error * Updated `perl-Regexp-Assemble` to 0.37 in F-24 and Rawhide: * No code changes * Add a `LICENCE`; this activity is part of the CPAN PR Challenge 2016 * Update `MANIFEST` to include `LICENCE` file * Remove unicode characters from `Changes` and `Changelog.ini` files * Add `TODO` and update `MANIFEST` to note unicode issues * Add `.gitignore` to `MANIFEST.SKIP` ==== Local Packages ==== * Updated `davfs2` to 1.5.4: * Remove useless call of `is_mounted` ([[http://savannah.nongnu.org/support/?109009|SR #109009]]) * For `kernel_fs` `fuse`: when getting `SIGTERM`, unmount while `dav_fuse_loop` is still running * Add documentation about required local cache space * Use `--fstack-protector-strong` (I had to patch out this change to build on older distributions without a recent enough `gcc`) * Updated `perl-Path-Tiny` to 0.088 as per the Fedora version * Updated `perl-MIME-Base32` to 1.301: * Updated the module to fit current release standards * Added POD and POD-Coverage tests * Combined `test.pl` and `test1.pl` into `t/00-basic.t` * Fix build on Strawberry Perl ([[CPAN:53173|CPAN RT#53173]], [[CPAN:105711|CPAN RT#105711]]) * Updated `perl-Net-FTPSSL` to 0.31: * Updated the Copyright * Fixed issue where "`uput`" cmd generated "Invalid number of parameters" error * Implemented `mdtm()` server bug fix: some rare servers do (`19xx`) instead of (`20xx`) for the year part of the timestamp returned, so implemented autodetection and fix for this server issue * Added undocumented `Debug` value to suppress printing out the `HELP` information during login, which got in the way of debugging via ad-hoc perl scripts * Added `is_file()` to validate if the given name is a regular file * Added `is_dir()` to validate if the given name is a directory * Fixed bug in `t/10-complex.t` that made it look like "`make test`" succeeded when in fact it encountered a fatal error forcing it to skip over all the other deeper tests * Fixed some `undef` warnings in "`uput() test`" in `t/10-complex.t` when talking to buggy windows FTPS servers that says it supports "`uput`" but handles it really strangely or not at all; now also handles new "`?`" return value in the strange case * Fixed bug in `t/10-complex.t` in `test_log_redirection()` failing a `EPSV` test when the destination server didn't support this functionality * Modified `t/10-complex.t` to print the "`OK`" results to the log file, which makes it a bit easier to associate failures to what's in the log file * Fixed some typos in the POD * Updated `perl-Search-Elasticsearch` to 2.01: * Updated for `Elasticsearch` 2.3.0 * Added `delete_by_query()`, `reindex()`, and `update_by_query()` * Added `tasks.list()` and `tasks.cancel()` * Added `ignore_unavailable` to `cat.snapshots()` * Added `attributes` and `explain` to `indices.analyze()` * Added `verbose` to `indices.segments()` * `S::ES::Error` now implements `TO_JSON` * `TestServer` can now be used with forked processes . Bug fixes: * `Search::Elasticsearch::Error` shouldn't be a `Moo` class * `Search::Elasticsearch::Scroll` can now be used in a forked process * `Hijk` is now optional as it doesn't work on Windows * `cat.snapshots` requires a repository ----