#acl PaulHowarth:read,write,admin,revert,delete All:read === Tuesday 21st June 2016 === ==== Fedora Project ==== * Updated `GeoIP-GeoLite-data` to the June 2016 databases in Rawhide * Updated `pari` to 2.7.6 in Rawhide (see [[http://pari.math.u-bordeaux.fr/pub/pari/unix/pari-2.7.6.changelog|CHANGES]] for details) * Updated `pari-elldata` to the 15th February 2016 release in Rawhide ==== Local Packages ==== * Updated `GeoIP-GeoLite-data` to the June 2016 databases as per the Fedora version * Updated `perl-Module-CoreList` to 5.20160620: * Updated for v5.25.2 * Updated `perl-Moo`to 2.002002: * Use `Carp::croak` rather than `die` to improve reported error locations ([[CPAN:109844|CPAN RT#109844]], [[CPAN:109632|CPAN RT#109632]], [[CPAN:102622|CPAN RT#102622]]) * Removed `Method::Inliner` module, which was never intended to ship with `Moo` and was undocumented, untested, and unused on CPAN * Require `Role::Tiny` 2.000002 for fixes to method modifiers being applied via multiple role composition paths ([[CPAN:106668|CPAN RT#106668]]) * Delay loading `Class::Method::Modifiers` until we actually need it * Fix an explosion that could happen if meta inflation was attempted part way through `Moo`'s bootstrapping process, which was possible via a `CORE::GLOBAL::bless` override ([[CPAN:113743|CPAN RT#113743]]) * Accessor subs will be generated immediately, rather than being partially deferred; the deferral added extra sub layers and the delayed compilation didn't provide any real benefit for them * Numeric values used as defaults will be inlined as numbers rather than strings * Numerous test clean-ups and additional test coverage * Fixed a typo in `Sub::Defer` docs ([[CPAN:113416|CPAN RT#113416]]) * Deferred subs (including constructors) will always be named properly, even if neither `Sub::Name` nor `Sub::Util` are available; this improves compatibility with `namespace::autoclean`, among other things (once the sub is undeferred, it may not be given a correct name if `Sub::Name` or `Sub::Util` aren't available) * Added `Sub::Quote::sanitize_identifier` to generate an identifier from an arbitrary string * `Sub::Defer::defer_info` is now exportable * Improved documentation for `Sub::Quote` * Fix quoted subs with `no_defer` ignoring `no_install` option ([[CPAN:114605|CPAN RT#114605]]) * Internals of `Sub::Quote` were refactored * Error message when `@ISA` changes now includes the location that the constructor was generated * Original invoker will be used when calling a non-`Moo` parent constructor ([[CPAN:115189|CPAN RT#115189]]) * Added testing for preserving context into `quote_sub` subs ([[CPAN:114511|CPAN RT#114511]]) * `quote_sub` context options will be used even when zero ([[CPAN:114512|CPAN RT#114512]]) * `Sub::Defer::defer_sub` gained `attributes` option to specify sub attributes * `Sub::Quote::quote_sub` gained `attributes` option to specify sub attributes * Fix handling of `Carp` < 1.12 ----