
Monday 27th June 2016

Fedora Project

  • Updated perl-MetaCPAN-Client to 1.016000 in Rawhide:

    • Added support for 'all' filters type 'files'

    • http → https

Local Packages

  • Updated perl-Coro to 6.511:

    • swap_sv swapping order was not symmetrical, causing wrong swaps when swap_sv was used multiple times on the same sv in the same thread

    • swap_sv calls can now be undone by calling it again with the same variables

    • swap_sv calls will now be undone in async_pool threads

    • Split Coro::Semaphore::up/adjust into separate xs functions for better error reporting, at slight code size increase

    • (libcoro) arm assembly support; please test and report

    • Adjust to PL_savestack changes in perl 5.24 (adapted from the debian patch, which unfortunately gets it wrong)

    • Since various broken or deficient patches float around to work around the vtbl API breakage in perl, let's provide our own workaround, which seems to be much less invasive and more compatible than the approaches seen so far

    • Work around assertion failure in perl_destruct on 5.24

    • Simplify and speed up __DIE__ and __WARN__ handling

  • Updated perl-DateTime-Locale to 1.05:

    • Instead of using the DATA handle to get at as-yet-unloaded locale data in DateTime::Locale::Data, we now read the raw data into memory once, and use eval to turn it into Perl data structures as a particular locale is requested, which may fix a problem where reading from the DATA handle somehow returned the wrong chunk of data (or overlapped multiple locales); the downside is that loading DateTime::Locale now uses an additional 4MB of memory on my system, regardless of how many individual locales are instantiated (GH#3)

  • Updated perl-MetaCPAN-Client to 1.016000 as per the Fedora version
