#acl PaulHowarth:read,write,admin,revert,delete All:read === Friday 8th July 2016 === ==== Fedora Project ==== * Updated `perl-GDGraph` to 1.53 in Rawhide: * Fix 'Illegal division by zero' when `x_min_value` and `x_max_value` are defined and `x_tick_number` set to '`auto`' ([[CPAN:73185|CPAN RT#73185]], [[https://github.com/ruz/GDGraph/pull/12|GH#12]]) * Updated `perl-IO-Socket-SSL` to 2.031 in Rawhide: * `Utils::CERT_create` - don't add given extensions again if they were already added; Firefox croaks with `sec_error_extension_value_invalid` if (specific?) extensions are given twice * Assume that `Net::SSLeay::P_PKCS12_load_file` will return the CA certificates with the reverse order as in the PKCS12 file, because that's what it does * Support for creating ECC keys in `Utils` once supported by `Net::SSLeay` * Remove internal sub `session_cache` and access cache directly (faster) * Updated `perl-YAML-LibYAML` to 0.63 in Rawhide: * Fix memory leaks ([[https://github.com/ingydotnet/yaml-libyaml-pm/pull/48|GH#48]]) ==== Local Packages ==== * Updated `perl-IO-Socket-SSL` to 2.031 as per the fedora version * Updated `perl-Net-FTPSSL` to 0.33: * Behaviour change: Since many OpenSSL libraries are tightening their security, I'm adding a new option to preserve backwards compatibility: * By default this module now reuses the context of the command channel when opening a data channel * If you need to revert back to the previous default of not reusing the context for data channels, you must now use option "`DisableContext => 1`" to do so; hopefully the need for this option will be rare * See the POD for more details * Behaviour change: Added support for SNI in the SSL handshake * Changed logic on how to detect if a default "`SSL_verify_mode`" value needed to be set to `VERIFY_NONE()` for the caller in `new()` * Can now pass SSL options directly to `new()`: * You no longer need to use the "`SSL_Client_Certificate`" option to pass the hash reference of SSL options * Currently only recognises `IO::Socket::SSL` options that start with `SSL_` * If any start with something else, they will be addressed in a future release * Clarified some POD information on a few methods * Enhanced "`size`" function to use `STAT` if `SIZE` isn't available * Fixed case where sometimes the login account used wasn't being masked in the response in the logs * Now print the INET version in the log file * Reset `$ERRSTR` in `new()` in case previous call had errors * Fixed `t/10-complex.t` func `run_stat_test()` to test the "`is_file`" and "`is_dir()`" functions; some tests disable the "`SIZE`" command so it can test the new alternate size logic as well * New test program `t/05-simple.t` that does a simple read only test against the FTPS server * Added so that you can run a simple test against servers you don't want to upload anything to during the tests * These tests are not as robust as the `t/10-complex.t` tests so failures here are not as meaningful; hence, run `t/10-complex` if you encounter any issues for more analysis * Added `t/05-simple.t` to the `MANIFEST` * Updated the Copyright in the `README` file, and reworded a few sections * Updated all `t/*.t` files to add a retry the 1st time they try to connect to a server via `new()`; added a hard coded "`SSL_cipher_list`" value if the defaults don't work (this kludge might not work for everyone) * Modified `t/20-certificate.t` to be a bit more robust * Note: Found a server where `supported()` doesn't completely work; that server fails to put a "`*`" after some of the commands it didn't implement * Updated `perl-YAML-LibYAML` to 0.63 as per the Fedora version ----